Where it all began!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Week 30 and Tired!

10 more weeks or less till we get to meet this little girl. I am getting very excited and those feelings of panic are slowly subsiding and being replaced with feelings of OK I am ready to not be pregnant anymore! I am tired always, even after I wake up. Sleeping is becoming more and more uncomfortable and I wake up 3-4 times a night because my wrist go numb and I have to pee. I know this sounds like a post full of complaints but I am just trying to accurately document. HAHA... Heartburn is not as bad but still hanging out and very annoying. I always feel full... Overall just uncomfortable. But definitely still feel lucky that this pregnancy has been so easy.

Well our doctor's appointment on 12/21 was good. Mya's heart was beating strong and my blood test of diabetes and iron deficiency came back negative (huge sigh of relief), but according to Dr. Ngo the 2nd anatomy scan proved to be a failure too. According to him the techs there suck and were again unable to get the measurements he wanted to see. So he put in a referral for the perinatologist to do an ultrasound to get the measurements and good look at Mya's organs. Doc said there is nothing to worry about he just wants to get the measurements done. But of course I still can't help but be a little nervous being referred to a specialist! Waiting to hear back from the specialist's office to schedule an appointment.

Saturday we have our official 3d/4d appointment where we get to see Mya's little face. We cannot wait to see what she looks like. We should start a pool to see who's knows she has. Mommy or daddy’s!? What do you think? We are banking on mommy's nose because daddy's is pretty big and manly. We don't want anything to do with big and manly for our daughter! Will post pictures as soon as we get them.

Dear Little Miss Mya,
You better be a good little girl and cooperate so we can see your face. I know you are running out of room in mommy's tummy so its even more important we get good shots and looks at your face now before you are too big and we can't see anything. We love you sweet baby!!!!

mommy & daddy

Monday, December 19, 2011

At Last We Have a Belly.... Week 28/29 Belly Shot!

So our battery in the new camera died just time to NOT get a week 28 belly shot last Wednesday, we misplaced the charger in the packing craze, and we just mailed our old camera to Granma the week before. I ordered a new charger because I was certain it would deliver before we found our original one. I was right. So here is the 28week 5 day belly shot. Only 5 days late but I’m pretty sure my belly got bigger between Wednesday and today.

Daddy finished his classes this last Saturday! I am so proud of him. I cannot even express in words how hard he has worked these last few years to get this done. If anyone knows him, they know he is anything but a student. But he powered through and did what he needed to do to make sure that he secured a future for himself and Mya. All he has left is a couple months of student teaching and to pass a couple exams. The taste of sweet victory is among us! 2012 is going to be an amazing year for the Vadney-Gamm family. Of course the arrival of our lil bean Mya, daddy will become a credentialed special education teacher, and mommy will become a licensed Marriage & Family Therapist. If you would have asked John or me a couple of years ago where we would be in 2012 I am pretty sure neither of us could have dreamt that we would be here. I am grateful for the life we have created and look forward to the amazing things that will be unfolding in 2012.

Our next doctor appointment is Wednesday 12/21/11 and I believe we then start doc appts every 2 weeks till we deliver. Wednesday is also our 3rd birthing class and we get a tour of the birthing center that Mya will be born. We are so excited to see it. Daddy is planning to wear the pregnancy suit in the tour so he can feel what it is like to have all that extra weight. I will post pictures if he does wear the suit. It’s going to be hilarious and best of all, he agreed to do it! Hahaha

The best thing about John being done with school is that we can FINALLY get the house and nursery together. Cannot wait to see how our vision for the nursery turns out. In my head it’ll be amazing. I guess we’ll see!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Hic Hic Hic... Into the 3rd Trimester We Go!

Wednesday marked the first day of our 3rd trimester. 2 down and only one to go! One busy one at that. With each passing day Mya is growing and getting stronger and with every hiccup I feel I am reassured that she is preparing for her first breath. If she is anything like her mother she will have a strong set of lungs.. No doubt! And with all the hiccupping she does I am certain she is practicing like crazy!

I wanted to take a few minutes to highlight the grandparents that will never have to opportunity to neither hold Mya nor watch her blossom into a budding toddler, kido, adolescent, and adult. My parents and John’s father although not here with us play a special role in Mya’s life as we would not be the people or parents we are today without their love and support as a child. Although they taught us things we plan to instill in Mya, they have also taught us a few things NOT to do! Haha.. Like only taking one glass baby bottle on a camping trip! (Mya daddy will tell you the story)! I know that my mother would be absolutely, obsessively over the moon with the arrival of her first grandchild. I don’t think she would be too thrilled about actually becoming a grandma because that would only mean she is definitely getting old! John and I will do out best to always preserve and honor the memory of Mya’s grandparents and tell her stories about them, the good and the bad because we want her to know just who her grandparents were. So I ask that you all share your stories and memories of grandma Julie, grandpa Dennis, and grandpa Greg with out daughter because every memory is special and she deserves to hear them. John and I are so lucky to have one another and as we go through these milestones of life we act as one another’s pillars and remind each other that our love for one another and now our daughter will get us through anything life has to throw at us.


Sunday, December 4, 2011

2nd Times a Charm!

Mya's profile picure 26weeks 2 days. Does she really have daddy's nose?!?!
In this picture Mya is sticking her tongue out at us. She is such a silly baby. She was yawning and drinking. SO AMAZING!
This is a picture of her perfect heart. You can see all four chambers. This little heart has mommy and daddy's heart!

Friday we went in for our second anatomy scan because our little angel was being stubborn the first time around at week 18. Tech got all the shots she needed we are assuming as she did not mention that Mya was being uncooperative as it has been mentioned many times before. J  The ultrasound tech sent us home with a few awesome pictures of Mya. One of which is a picture of her heart which she said is as perfect as can be. I love that you can see all four chambers clearly. And it is even more amazing in the ultrasound to see that little heart beating so perfectly in rhythm.

This little girl continues to amaze us in the rapid speed of her growth. She weighed in at 2lbs. 3oz. That is a whole 4 oz. more then a week prior at our regular doctor appointment. The funny part is mommy lost 2 oz. even with the purge of Thanksgiving feasts. I am finally experiencing another not so lovely pregnancy symptom, just mildly though. Pregnancy induced carpal tunnel. Yep.. My left hand (thumb, pointer, and middle finger to be exact) like to tingle and go numb. I freaked out but after much research realized that it is a fairly common pregnancy symptom. Wow… The weird things women’s bodies go through when growing a human. Who’da thunk? It is definitely not debilitating, just super annoying.

I went to the lab Thursday to do my 1 hour glucose test. This is standard procedure these days to test all pregnant women for gestational diabetes. I am hoping that my results come up clear because it would be a total nightmare to have to change my entire diet to keep my blood sugar low. NO BUENO! Lab tech said that my doctor’s office should have the results in 2-3 days so I am hoping that I don’t get a call next week from my doc’s office. A call would mostly likely be in bearing bad news. Calling on all positive thoughts and energy for a normal result on my blood sugar counts.

Once again we are so thankful for all the love and support for all our friends and family. This journey would not be the same without you all. A special thanks to Mya’s aunties, Monica, Valine, and Kyrra as well as her abuela Jackie for the upcoming showers to be held in January. I am so looking forward to celebrating with everyone. Showers mean that we are that much closer to the arrival of our sweet sweet baby bean!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Week 26!

Boy oh boy! We are officially feeling warp speed ahead. November came and went without a chance to blink. Daddy and my Thanksgiving was nice and relaxing. We really loved that we got to visit friends and family on our own schedule. Thursday night we had a pizza delivered to our room and after we went out to Denny’s for pumpkin pie and decaf coffee. We are wild ones, I know!!!!!

Last week we went Mya hiccup for the first time on 11/22/11. It was a rhythmic feelings and not as strong as her usual kicks and punches. Daddy got to experience it too and feel the tiny little hics from the outside. Since then I have felt her hiccup a couple of other times. This is good news because that means that she is learning to breathe by swallowing the amniotic fluid.

Because Mya is a little stinker and was curled up in a ball refusing to move during the first anatomy scan at 18 weeks Dr. Ngo ordered another anatomy scan to measure and assess her organs. Guess what that means!? Yup, another peek at out little bean. I am waiting to hear back from the imaging center about setting up an appointment but I plan to schedule it for early next week. The imaging center is open until 10pm so I want to make our appointment around 9pm because that is when Mya is the most active. I know it has been absurd how many times we have seen her and I think I am getting spoiled because I am sure that the next baby we may not be as lucky to get so many sneak peeks. But I will not complain because each time we see her I am reassured that she is thriving and developing as she should be.

Sleep is finally starting to get somewhat uncomfortable since rolling from side to side can be a mission having to take my body pillow with me. I no longer can really sleep fully on my stomach which has just occurred within the last couple of weeks. I have a massage scheduled for tomorrow so this should be interesting to see how a massage works without being able to lay on your stomach. I am starting to get tired quicker in the day and basically tapped out by the time the evening comes.

Mya’s development at 26 weeks; she is finally starting to be able to open her eyes, more as a reflex rather then to try and see anything. She is definitely responsive to the light when I hold the flashlight to my belly. She should be somewhere around 15 inches and definitely over 2lbs by now. Because she is getting so big Daddy may be able to hear her heart beat if he presses his ear to my belly. We will definitely have to give that a try this week. Mya’s taste buds are developing and she can start to taste the foods that I eat through the amniotic fluids.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy 25th!!!!!!!!!

Today is week 25! We went to the doctor and were prepared to just heart Mya’s heartbeat and get paperwork for labs. Well our amazing doctor walks into the room and asks “You want to see the baby?” OF COURSE!!! Being that this is not a high risk pregnancy by any means we have been super lucky to get an ultrasound and see our lil bean at every doctor’s appointment thus far. I’m proud to announce that Mya is weighing in at 2lbs and is measuring a week ahead of schedule. Dr. Ngo was quite please with her size and seemed a bit shocked at her size. Daddy says that he is sure she is already all legs and butt like her mommy and daddy.

Because Thanksgiving is tomorrow I feel that it is the perfect time to share my gratitude and what I am thankful for. Of course first and foremost I am so thankful to have a healthy thriving baby girl in my tummy. I am thankful to have a wonderful, caring, compassionate, honest, loving man as my partner in life and as the father of my child. I am thankful for the supportive family from both sides as we embark of this journey of parenthood and the love and wisdom they share. And I am especially thankful to be living a life of fulfillment and happiness. Sure I have woes and struggles but as I lie in bed at the end of each day I am peaceful and ever so eager to start the next day. I cannot wait to share my life and love with Mya while watching our family grow in size and in love. Thanksgiving 2011 a thankful Thanksgiving!!!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Week 24 Belly Shot!

Well we have slow and steady tummy growth. I have not yet “popped” but I definitely am bigger in the tummy. FOR SURE! I still feel like I am in that awkward stage of just looking like I put on some extra early holiday weight in the stomach region. I have slowly been gaining weight and am up about 5 pounds pre pregnancy. Daddy’s probably up about the same. Hehe… He’s been so great with not making me feel horrible for wanting to eat apple turnovers with ice cream. I keep wanting to start really incorporating an exercise regiment but I just feel like my days slip away. I know I should really be making more of an effort and definitely will do my best to start something in the upcoming week. I’ll let you know how that turns out!!!

So I have decided to cloth diaper Mya, at least when its convenient, weekends and evenings. But we will definitely be using disposable diapers too. I have just made my 2nd purchase of the Flip diaper system. My first purchase was the Ecobums which is a pre-fold cloth diapering system. I am still completely overwhelmed with the cloth diapering process but have been doing tons of research and had an awesome in person tutorial with Auntie Ky and Leo during our monthly slumber party. The Flip system combines both the use of cloth inserts or disposable inserts for easier use when on the go. I plan to try a few different brands to which suites our needs best. I registered for some Bumgenius diapers which are all-in-one cloth diapers with no need for inserts. They are used like disposable diapers and washed as one pieces. These may be ideal if I decide to use the cloth diapers more often then anticipated and if Mya is with a nanny or sitter. This will be yet another adventure in the grand scheme of growing Baby Gamm after she’s born.

Wednesday is week 25 and our next OB appointment. I still have been feeling great but starting to get a little case of heartburn on a regular basis. Nothing that a few tums can’t ward off but I hope that it doesn’t get worse. =(

We plan to hopefully start setting up Mya’s nursery one weekend in December so long as we can find a free weekend to do so. I walk in there now and feel overwhelmed with happiness and excitement as I see what the room will look like in my head and how many amazing moments will take place in that little room. I cannot believe only 15 more weeks till we get to meet this sweet baby girl. SO giddy!!!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

23 Week Sneak Peek!

I know I am crazy and some may call me neurotic and outlandish (JOHN), but I just can’t help myself. We had an ultrasound yesterday and saw our little baby bean. She was definitely being Mya… Shy and curled up tight sitting indian style and not wanting to give us a good face shot. She was moving around and it was awesome to see her and feel her moving at the same time. She’d kick her little leg up and move her arms in front of her face. Auntie TT and Uncle Joey came to see Mya too.

Every time we see her she looks more and more like a developed baby and I get that much more excited about meeting her. Each day her movements become more noticeable and her kicks stronger. Some kicks I actually jump because it startles me.

I have been feeling GREAT! Best I’ve felt all pregnancy minus to couple bouts of heartburn. I have tons of energy, although I can be quite forgetful at time. They tell me this is called prego brain. It’s a good excuse and I get away with a lot!!!!  

Thanksgiving is coming up and daddy and I are going to Palm Springs for the night to spend some quality time together. I am really looking forward to it. I am so grateful to have this amazing man as my life partner and the father of my child. Mya is one lucky girl to have such an awesome daddy…. Mya, don’t forget, your daddy has loved you since the first time he heard your precious heartbeat! Mommy too, but that goes without saying! xoxo

Monday, November 7, 2011

No Denying Mya is a Girl!!!!

Here is our sweet daughter’s confirmation that she is a girl!!! Dr. Ngo finally gave us confirmation (not that we were worried) that Mya is indeed Mya!! This is from the Week 21 doctors visit and ultrasound. It was hilarious. As you all know she has been super shy and very unwilling to show her lady parts to us. Well during this ultrasound, as soon as the doc put the wand to my belly boom!! There is was, like she was saying FINE if you want to see so bad here it is… Sweet precious baby girl.

She has been kicking and tumbling like crazy. I can’t help myself not to stop whatever I am doing and just enjoy the miracle of feeling Mya growing and moving in my tummy. Daddy feels her quite regularly now. I don’t think he is used to it yet although the thought of becoming 3 is now starting to sink in with him now. He uses my belly button as a microphone to talk to Mya, its pretty cute and super silly. Just like daddy! My belly is finally starting to grow, slowly but surly. And each week I can feel her moving higher and higher up in my belly. She is now just made her way above my belly button but I still feel her way low in my abdomen too. She’s getting to be a big girl.

I noticed last week that I am starting to get “Linea Negra” the black line on my tummy which is typical during pregnancy. Its crazy. The simple symptoms of pregnancy like the dark tummy line and forgetfulness is setting in but luckily those are the only symptoms I have been experiencing lately. If Mya didn’t kick me every hour or so I may even forget I was pregnant. I must say that I have been so luck to have such a smooth pregnancy thus far. But I shouldn’t speak so soon as we still have 17 weeks to go and anything could happen. Last night I experienced heart burn/indigestion for the first time because of eating Wing Stop. It wasn’t bad, more irritating then painful. I have heard horror stories of women and their pregnancy induced heart burn.

Wednesday will be week 23!! We are nervous and ever so excited about Mya’s arrival. We have lots going on in the upcoming months. Daddy and I have to pick a day to set up the nursery. The crib is here but not built yet. For Thanksgiving we are going to stay the night in Palm Springs and ride the aerial tram on the San Joaquin Mountains. Just to get away and spend some quality time before baby comes. We have child birthing classes every Wednesday night in December and breastfeeding class in January. All this on top of the holidays and baby showers. Wowzer are we going to be busy bees before Mya arrives.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Week 21...

We officially are on the downward slope of our Growing Baby Gamm journey. More weeks behind us then in front of us. As I reflect on the last 5 months of my life the one words that comes to mind is emotional whirlwind. Happy, nervous, terrified, ecstatic, amazed, worried, euphoric, scared, and any other emotion you can think of. I think that it takes almost a year for a baby to be born in order to prepare parents (especially first time parents) to grasp the fact that their lives will be drastically changing in a blink of an eye. I know that as the weeks are marked off I feel more and more at ease and less anxious about the arrival of Mya. Don’t get me wrong I am still terrified to death but there is an ease to that feeling every time I feel her kick or flop around.

This weekend was very exciting. We celebrated the half way point by doing our registry. Daddy was so cute as he scanned the little blankets he thought would be cute for Mya. As of now the Target and Babies R US registries are just about complete except a few add on items here and there. The showers are set for January 14th and 21st. I am so excited and look forward to both celebrations.

According to the literature at 21 weeks Mya should have broken the 1LB marker but I think this happened well before this week as at her 18 weeks scan she was weighing in 4-5oz. over the average. She should be about 8 inches long, this baby is growing fast and furiously! This week she is honing in on her sense of touch and if we could sneak a peek I bet we could see her grabbing the umbilical cords as she practices her gripping. Her eyes are beginning to detect light and it is encouraged to shine a flash light on my belly to stimulate her senses. We know what daddy will be doing during story time! Her eye brows and lashes are grown in. Interesting fact, at this stage in fetal development the baby has no pigment so her hairs are stark white.

Our next check up appointment with our OB is tomorrow and we are hoping to get another look at her as the doctor was unable to see her lady parts. I am pretty sure he wants to see them to document his findings in the chart! Yaaaaay… another sneak peak! I love this baby so…

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Love This So Much!!!


20 Week Belly Shot!!

My belly is kind of growing... It finally sticks out past my boobs!! waaa hooo.... Progress ladies and gentleman! Everyone keeps saying that when I pop I will pop but dang we are already half way there and I just look like I’m gaining more tum chub!!!

I have gained a couple pounds this month but according to the house scale I am still a couple pounds under pre pregnancy weight. I’m trying like hell not to eat like a crazy women but some moments I fall victim to the chocolate cake craving!!! Mmmmmm… Right now I am on a green tea frozen yogurt kick with chocolate chips and granola!! Oh yea!!

We are slowly but surely settling into the new house and this Saturday we are going to register at Babies R Us before heading to cousin Sammy’s apartment for dinner and the SC vs Notre Dame game.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Drum Roll Please!!! Half Way and Feelin Fine!!!

Week 20!!! Half way point and the rest is down hill. The countdown begins! Words cannot express the joy we are feeling with 20 healthy wonderful weeks under our belt. We are thankful for each Wednesday that passes and each little kick I feel. These last 20 weeks have both dragged and flown by and I am going to do my best to savor every last minute of the 2nd half of my 1st pregnancy. I will be sure to smile each time I feel a little tummy jab and share the precious moments with John. Nothing makes me more happy to see daddy light up when he feels little Mya kicking him and I know as the kicks and punches get stronger daddy will be even more excited!

I am feeling amazing! A bit tired but and more sluggish then pre preggers but nothing to complain about. Mya is growing at a incredible rate as I can notice the changes in my tummy each morning, even though no one else can just yet. I still haven’t popped. Will post week 20 belly pictures tomorrow. Didn’t get around to it tonight. Other then feeling Mya move throughout the day I don’t really feel pregnant. I guess that’s a good thing huh.

We are scheduled to take child birthing classes through our hospital every Wednesday in December. I look forward to these classes because it will allow for John to do more then just be supportive at my doctor appointments and hold my purse. Which I totally appreciate him doing!!!

Talks of baby showers have already begun. So exciting and FUN!! I am really looking forward to sharing this experience with loved ones…

We finally moved!! Yaaaay! Although in the honeymoon stage with the house we think we will be just fine here… Can’t wait to get Mya’s nursery all set up!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Week 19!! Daddy Felt Mya Kick!!

Ladies and gentleman!!!! We felt her kick from the outside! Two nights ago, around 11pm, we were lying in bed. John was dosing off and I was finishing watching my trashy TV show and I felt her right under my belly button. I told John “feel feel” and as soon as he put his hand on my belly she thumped him. He said “was that her”?  Indeed it was. He was so excited, and then back to sleep he went. It was AMAZING! Last week I really started to feel her from the inside throughout the day. I am so shocked as to hoe much this little stinker moves. At first I could only feel her certain times at night. Now I feel her from the time I wake up to when I go to sleep. Periodically shifting position, or kicking her sweet little leg. I love the feeling, it makes me smile EVERYTIME! I am so excited to have daddy feel her more often as the weeks pass and she gets bigger and stronger. The feeling is beyond words description!

So here we are, week 19. Mya’s development this week; her sensory development is rapidly tuning up and so mommy will keep talking to her and singing those awful KIIS FM songs to her! Her brain in starting to develop specialized areas of smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. It’s a good thing mommy has been on a salad kick this last week. Maybe Mya will love her veggies!!! J Little hairs are starting to sprout on top of her head and a thin white waxy cheese like substance coats her little body to protect it for all the fluids she is suspended in. We don’t want her coming out looking like a prune!

We are going to Babies R US 10/22/11 to create a registry. We do not have a Babies R Us here in the Antelope Valley so I figure if we go and get one created I can update and add things online as the months pass. We will also be registering at Target. Both places have an option to buy online so it is easy peasy for people to use. Checked off the list of items we have already been given, a crib (due to arrive this week), bassinet, and a travel system which included an infant car seat, base, and everyday use stroller. We LOVE all the items we have received so far and are so very grateful to all the wonderful family and friends who have been supportive and so generous. We love you!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Week 18 Anatomy Scan........

This week we had Mya’s anatomy scan which an ultrasound tech measured and evaluated each of her growing body parts. Needless to say the little stinker was again sitting in an awkward position and the tech was unable to get all the views she needed and said we’d have to come back later for more measurements. The tech also said she believes she sees her lady parts but didn’t want to promise she saw it because of Mya’s positioning. This little girl is seriously a shy little thing. I hope her temperament is as mellow out of the womb as it is in!! She said all that she could see looked good. Mya is measuring a week ahead, is 14cm (5.5in) and weighs 11oz. She is almost a pound. Remember just a mere 2 months ago she was a little peanut! Not no more!!!!

The picture posted is amazing to me because you can see her little heart and it is even more amazing to see it flickering on the screen as it beats. Her heartbeat is going down as expected and was 143 beats per minute.

Daddy and I are getting ready for a move next weekend and I am so excited to start on Mya’s nursery. We are still in need of a crafty person who can paint because we need Mya’s lamp base and letter for her wall painted. Neither mommy nor daddy is very artsy!

We are rounding the corner to the halfway point and there are lots of big things ahead! Our little family is looking forward to all the changes and most of all to welcome our little baby girl into our lives. The feels of absolute terror have gradually been decreasing and I am now mostly consumed with excitement and anticipation to meeting this baby that I am baking!!!

With each passing day I can feel her kicking, punching, and wiggling more in my belly. It is an amazing feeling and I get so excited with every flutter. Daddy still cannot feel her from the outside (because mommy is fluffy hehe) but if she keeps growing at this pace he will definitely be able to feel her soon. Can’t wait till he gets to experience the feeling as well. Right now it’s like our little secret! hehe

Next doctor’s appointment is October 27th and we are hoping that Mya will cooperate and the doctor can confirm her lady parts! J

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I can't let Mommy do ALL of the postings...

Amanda has been doing such a great job posting that I didn't want to come on here and make a mess of it, but it's long over-due. To this point, I've really been trying to keep my excitement level from going too crazy as I stayed cautiously optimistic that everything is progressing with Mya the way that it should....not to mention the fact that I'm scared to death that I'm really going to suck at this whole being a dad thing....that still sounds so strange when I refer to myself as being a dad. That's going to take some time for me to be able to say without getting lite-headed, especially since we're having a little girl who may very well come out and be exactly like her mother :-)

The reality of it all is starting to sink in more and more with each visit to the doctor and it is absolutely amazing to see how much she has grown and developed from the beginning to now.....She's starting to look like a little person!!!!

This experience has been such a whirlwind so far and it's only week 18!! Between getting ready to move in two weeks, grad school beating me up, and all the rest of the madness of summer I haven't really been able to focus on what we're getting ourselves into. I've seen so many other people have kids and thought "how and why would anyone do that to themselves?"....and then I had my first dream about her the other night and it all made perfect sense to me. I was laying on the couch watching TV and she was asleep on my chest. I picked her up just so that I could look at her, I smiled and put her back on my chest. That was it...not very long or in depth but it was the most awesome feeling and I can't wait to do it for real!!!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Mya's First Book

Daddy read Mya her fist book the other night. She supposedly could hear by now but I think it was more of a way for us to bond with her. John was so incredibly sweet. We plan to try and read regularly!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Little Stinker!!!!

Today’s doc appointment was amazing! Mya’s heartbeat was perfect a 155 beats per minute. My blood pressure was 120/80, no protein or glucose in my pee, and I am down 2 more pounds. Doctor isn’t concerned about my weight loss as it is not a significant amount and I have plenty to spare.

Doc tried to get a shot and confirm her gender but as you can see in the photo above Mya was not having it. She was curled up tight (look at that spine) and not budging. She kicked a few times and lifted her little arm and hand. I thought she was waving but daddy was convinced she was giving us the bird. Being that she is our daughter I will go with the latter! Hahaha…..

Each doctors visit we are more and more amazed at how our little baby is growing and developing. I LOVE HER SOOOOO MUCH!!

I told my boss today that I was pregnant and she was ecstatic! We spent half an hour talking about babies and how wonderful they are. She said something that made sense. She said “you may not be able to hold or feed your baby yet but you are a mommy already and taking care of your baby is the priority”. True I am a mommy already!!! My boss is great and I am so glad she is supportive and is advocating for a stress free work place for me.

I go tomorrow for more blood to be drawn for the 2nd part of the screening. Hate giving blood but gotta do it!
The referral for the level 2 anatomy scan was put in today so we should be getting a call so for an appointment. Hope to get to see her again very soon and hopefully this time she will give us the money shot to confirm her little lady parts!! Hehehe


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Week 17/ 4months!!!!!!!!!!!!!

17 weeks today!!! Which is about a day shy of 4 months! It is absolutely amazing how quickly time is going. It feels like yesterday I started this blog and we were starring at a pregnancy stick. Now we are coming up to the half way mark. WOW!

So it is 8:30pm and I am trying to get this blog typed and posted ASAP because Mya usually wakes up between 9-10pm and I love to lie in bed and just wait and hope that I can feel her bouncing around in there. It is absolutely an amazing feeling and I feel so happy that she is still growing and thriving!

This week Mya’s development: She is approximately 5 ounces and starting to grow baby fat. Soon she won’t look like an alien anymore! Hehe… Mya continues to practice and get ready to breath by swallowing and sucking. Her heartbeat is starting to be regulated by her growing brain so her heartbeat should start to beat rhythmically.

Tomorrow is our 3rd doctor appointment with the OB and we are exited because we will get more information regarding Mya’s anatomy scan. So excited for that!!!!!!

Now I’m off to lie still and hope I can feel my sweets moving. Good night!!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Congrats to Auntie Val & Uncle Jeremy!!! xoxo

3 Vadney kids!! We are all growing up and moving on with our lives! So proud!

A special CONGRADULATIONS to Auntie Valine and Uncle Jeremy! Thier wedding, September 17th 2011, was amazing. Valine was a gorgeous bride and the day could have not been anymore perfect. Auntie Val took pictures with Mya in my belly and I cannot wait to see them (still haven’t got the photos from the photographer)! I am so happy that I fit my dress as I was quite nervous being 15 weeks preggers! We wish then all the best and can't wait for the next few years when Mya will have cousins!!!!!


16 Week Belly & Welcome 2nd Trimester!!!

So it appears that I have been lagging on keeping this blog up to date as my sister has so kindly pointed out! As most of you know we are moving in less then 3 weeks (I like to use it as an excuse) and since I have been feeling better (courteousy of the 2nd trimester) I have been back to work full strength to make sure I rack up productivity hours and BBS hours before my maternity leave starts. Still none of it is a valid excuse to not check into the blog once a week for a update as ultimately this blog is for Mya to enjoy when she is older.

I look terrible in the picture. Why do I always wait to the end of the night to take my belly shot!?! If you notice my belly is a little bigger then the 12 week shot but definitely not much! But it is starting to stick out past my boobs! Honestly I just look like I am gaining weight in my tummy! Hahaha…. SO far my butt is looking waaaaaay bigger then my belly… Any guesses as to what week my tummy will be bigger then my butt?  I say not till 25+ weeks!

Daddy and I have been somewhat nesting in trying to prepare for Mya’s arrival. (Feels so dam good to call her by her name instead of just Baby Gamm or he/she)!!!! We are soo in love every time I think about her I get chocked up! It still is surreal that Mya will be here in 23 weeks. My whole life has been about moving forward, growing as a person, learning from my pasts mistakes (lord knows there’s a lot), and doing my best to be happy. Now life seems so different. Everything I do it has Mya as the end thought. What do we need to do to give her the best life we possibly can?! Its terrifying and gratifying all rolled up into one emotion!

I am less then 400 hours away from completing my 3000 hours needed to sit for my licensing exam. My goal is to get these hours done by the time I go on maternity leave so I can test after Mya is born and focus all my energy and attention to her. Until I complete these hours this will be my main priority since after I am licensed my salary will increase over 20%! This will be a huge help for our family especially with a new life to support.

16 weeks 3 days was the first time I felt Mya moving in my belly. The only way I can describe it is that it felt like Mexican jumping beans in my lower abdomen. I felt the little thumps for about 30 seconds. In the past couple of days since I have felt her here and there and I cannot wait to feel her more intensely and frequently. It bring me comfort knowing she is in there jumping around!

Week 16 Mya’s development- She is now about 4-1/2 to 5 inches long and weighs between 3-5 ounces. Out little girl is getting soooooo big!!! This week my favorite development is that she can most likely start hearing me as I sing in the car, yap on the phone, or yell at John (hahaha poor daddy)!! I think its time to pull out the loads of kids books I own and start reading to her. Her eyes are starting to work, although she cannot open her fused eyelids she can start to see a bit of light through her lids and move them from side to side!

My scale broke (yes I know I’m a heffa) so we had to get a new one which means I lost my baseline weight so I am not sure if I have gained any. As of a week and a half ago, before the old scale broke, I had not gained a single pound. I will find out Thursday if I gained any weight at my doctor’s appointment. I’m feeling great and nap free for the most part! With 2nd trimester came the ugly headaches but now I can ward them off with a little caffeine and a Tylenol. I kicked caffeine all of the 1st trimester! I truly didn’t think it would be possible but I did it! Mya will always hear about that one!!! Haha

We started to buy things for her nursery and hope to get a jump on it as soon as we get moved and settled. There is no real theme to her nursery except we are loving the colors lime green, black, and hues of pink. Daddy will be doing some do-it-yourself projects such as painting her lamp base, paining the letter M-Y-A for her wall, and we are hoping to find an awesome affordable dresser at a thrift store or antique store that he would refinish and stain. Trying to save $$ everywhere we can!!! As we start to get the nursery together I will post picture on the blog!

Sorry this blog entry is sooooo long its just been too long since I have last posted and this is one more reason I really need to keep current!

Thank you to all our family and friends who have been sooooo dam supportive throughout this journey! We could not imagine doing this alone…. We love you and we know that Mya too greatly appreciates all your love and support!!!!!!!!

Amanda, John, & Mya xoxo

Sunday, September 11, 2011

IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We just keep falling in love more and more! We are pleased to annouce we are having a sweet sweet sweet baby girl!

Monday, August 29, 2011

The Baby Has Hands & Feet!!!!!!

What an absolutely amazing evening it has been. We were overjoyed and fell even more in love with Baby Gamm tonight. We saw his/her brain, spine, heart beating, arms & fingers, legs & toes. WOW!!! Such a difference from the 1st ultrasound 4 weeks ago.
Baby Gamm’s heartbeat was 160 and doc said everything looked PERFECT. I’d say everything was more the perfect!!!!

After our doctor’s appointment we went and signed our lease to our new home which we care so excited about. We don’t get the keys till October 14th but we are ecstatic to have secured an awesome home we love!


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Week 12!!!!!

Here is my 12 week belly shot. As you can see there is nothing more there then there was before! I will be taking belly shots every 4 weeks (month markers) and towards the end I'll take them more frequently.

At the end of week 12, Tuesday, I will finally be in the 2nd trimester. I already am feeling better. I have slowly been regaining my pep and steam with a few exception days. But all in all I feel great!!!! I think Baby Gamm is finally traveling North past my pelvic bone, I can just feel it. Some times I just lie in bed and concentrate on my body and I can totally feel the differences. I know it’s way too early but I could of sworn I felt the baby moving as I had little flutters yesterday where the baby is living. Probably just gas!! Hehe

Our doctor appointment is Monday and we hope to at least hear the baby’s heartbeat if we don’t get an ultrasound. I hope the little booger is growing and developing as he/she should be. We have a gender determination ultrasound booked with the doctor for September 14th and hopefully a 3D sneak peak. It will only be 15 weeks but supposedly that’s soon enough. We hope we get an answer.. What do you think it is?? Girl or boy??

We have been throwing around name ideas and we pretty much have a full name picked out if it is a girl but if it’s a boy…. That’s a whole other story. It is soooo hard to find good boy names!!!! Almost impossible for us to agree on. I have picked a few I really like but daddy is on the fence. He is a hard man to please when it comes to naming his son!

Baby Gamm’s major development this week: He/she is not measuring about 3 inches long and about the size of a peach! The baby’s head is about ½ size of its entire body and his/her intestines are starting to move into her/his abdomen. Baby Gamm is activating his/her digestive system by drinking and peeing the amniotic fluids. Pretty amazing things going on in my belly!!!!!!

Thanks again to everyone for all the love and support. John, Baby Gamm, and I love you all and are so grateful to have you in our lives!!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Week 11!

The weeks just keep adding up. Baby Gamm is 11 weeks today and growing bigger everyday. He/she is about 2-1/2 inches long and weighs half an ounce. This week in development Baby Gamm is entering the maintenance phase as he/she is just about all formed and just needs to continue growing. Little hair follicles are forming and his/her little finger and toes nails should be growing in too.

As for mama, I am doing great. I am feeling better each day with the exception of a few days of super sleepiness. No more nausea and my food aversions are slowly dissipating. I still struggle to eat dinner but breakfast and lunch is no problem. I still haven’t brought myself back to cooking dinner every night as I did pre-pregnancy but my goal is to slowly start cooking again within the next week. I still have not gained any weight but also have not lost any weight. I will start taking monthly tummy pictures next week which will be month 3. I feel like I am getting more rotund in my mid section but losing weight in my arms and legs. I’m not complaining!!

Every morning I drink 9oz. of Naked Juice’s Green Machine to make sure I am kind of supplementing my lack of veggie consumption. I just don’t want veggies. I am still eating fruit like a champ… all kinds! My ravaging appetite for sweets and sugar has slowed down and for that I am thankful as lord knows I of all people do not need anymore sugar!!!!

I had to reschedule my August 25th doctor appointment to Monday August 29th at 4:15pm because of my work schedule. So unfortunately we have to wait a few more days. SUCKS! I went in Monday for blood labs and the results will be sent to my doctor and he will review them with us at the appointment. Everyday we get closer to our appointment I get a little more nervous!!!


Sunday, August 14, 2011

He's gonna be a WONDERFUL Daddy!

Today we did mommy and daddy things. First we went to a birthday party for my girlfriend’s daughter who turned 1 year old. That was a glimpse into the future. Seeing all the parents with their kidos; kind of intense! After the birthday party, we babysat my other girlfriend’s 4 month old son. He is so adorable but he had a rough day today. Cried and cried and cried. John was amazing with him. Tried to sooth him with books and talking to him. He is going to be a wonderful father I just know it. I can’t wait to see how much love he has for his 1st child and if it is as much as he loves me boy is this baby lucky! He has been so understanding and patient with mommy. I feel horrible because our whole life is still flipped around. I just don’t have energy to eat during the nights and definitely no energy to cook so John has been fending for himself and me. Words can’t express how lucky I am but I wanted to be sure I at least tried so Baby Gamm knows later in his/her life just how much his/her daddy loves him/her and mommy.


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Week 10!

We are rounding 3rd base of the first trimester. Each day I am shocked at how time is just elapsing with no regard to what daddy and I have to do! It’s scary and I am sure it only gets more intense as the clock ticks down. TICK TICK TICK……………  Shut up stupid clock we hear you! Can you believe only 3 more weeks and I hit the golden months, the second trimester. Golden months so I hear from all the veteran moms!

Its official, we are moving, for many reasons. I started looking this week but we can’t really move for another couple of months until our lease is up here. I HATE MOVING! But we definitely have to without a doubt! I feel horrible for John because he is going to be the one who does most of the work, packing and moving. I’ll just take care of logistics making sure to find a suitable place.

So we decided to go public with the pregnancy after our next doc appointment on the 25th. Blood test results will be in and if all is well with Baby Gamm we will not hide it any longer. Although all the important people in our lives already know, the world does not!

We cannot wait to find out the sex of the baby. I’ll ask doc at our next appointment when we will look but I know it is definitely not until between 15-20 weeks. SO FAR AWAY! At that time we will be just about half way through this journey!

Baby Gamm’s 10th week development: He/She should be about an inch and a half long and growing fast and furiously! All the crucial development is completed and now all his/her job is to grow grow grow! Mommy is still exhausted and if not working I am in bed! Oh my bed.. So wonderful and glorious!


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday is Not Baby Gamm's Day of Rest!

It has become an obvious pattern that I am completely useless on Sundays. I think Baby Gamm has his biggest grow spurts on Sundays. I am not kidding. Sundays I can nap literally all afternoon and wake up ready to go to bed for the night. Could it be in my head though? Am I just extremely lazy on Sundays which leads me to believe it’s baby’s doing? Well I feel better thinking it baby and he/she has lots of growing to do on Sundays. There are days where I feel random cramping (like today) in my uterus which all the books say is normal and it is my poor little uterus stretching to make room for baby. Before all this my uterus was the size of a small pear, not it is the size if a medium grapefruit. AND GROWING! Awwwwww…. Scary!

It’s crazy to think that most of the baby's crucial development has taken place and the next few weeks will be fine tuning and rapid weight gain. The baby is now considered a fetus no longer an embryo. The rapid growth and transformation babies do in such a few short weeks is AMAZING! To think not even 2 month’s ago Baby Gamm was barely a blip on the radar. And today he/she has fingers, toes, a little nose, ears, and all the essential organs of life. WOW!

Baby Gamm got his/her baby book this weekend and mommy will be busy filling that out on top of blogging.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Week 9!

Today is week 9 and Baby Gamm is growing like a champ. This week he/she is the size of a prune 1-1/2” long from head to butt. Can you believe how quickly our little bean is growing. Each day it is becoming more and more real to us and we are just so excited to welcome this precious little one into our lives. This week the baby will start developing bones and cartilage and little knee, ankles, and elbow (so cute). Also the tooth fairy will be paying out little baby a visit and his/her teeth will grow under its gums. All Baby Gamm’s cute little face features are starting to fill in. Will he/she have my little eye or daddy’s big eye? My cute little nose or daddy’s big honker! Hehehe!

This week has been an overall good week in the way of symptoms. I am still ALWAYS exhausted. I literally wake up from 8+ full hours of sleep every night to the nagging feeling of “Is it bedtime yet?”  I still am pretty religious about only take 15-20 minute power naps every afternoon cause any more and I wake up feeling groggy. According to my house scale I have lost another 2lbs and I am sure it is due to the wicked food aversions I am experiencing. I am definitely not showing yet except the occasional bloat, HA. Usually I can only eat a little at a time before I am grossed out. I am getting use to my superwomen smelling powers. I forget now that I can smell EVERYTHING, it just feels normal. No more nausea!!!! WOOT WOOT! And I think my sugar cravings have tremendously slowed too. Ok maybe just today!  

I tried on my maid of honor dress this last weekend for my sister’s wedding and it fits perfectly. It is much tighter around the boob region then it was when I originally tired it on. I am so hoping I can get into it without any alterations but the wedding isn’t for another 5 weeks from Saturday. YIKES! If my boobs keep growing at this rate who knows what can happen in 5 weeks!

Baby Gamm already got his/her first 2 gifts this last weekend. Auntie Val got him/her cute little burp rags and Auntie Michele got him/her the cutest set of Dr. Seuss books. Everyone is so excited for your arrival Baby Gamm, so keep growing strong and developing perfectly and before you know it you will be showered with so much LOVE!
 next doctor’s appointment is August 25th.  

Thursday, July 28, 2011


We saw our sweet sweet baby, all of 1" long and perfect as could be!
It's little heart was growing and working so hard at 165 beats a minute.

Nerves Getting the Best of Me!

An hour until our first OB appointment and I am a ball of nerves. I am so hopeful that all is well with Baby Gamm as I have no real reason to suspect else wise, but it’s just scary to think how little control I really have over the situation. I’ve tried to do my best and take care of baby and me but has it been enough? I am sure that all pregnant women are plagued with worry but I sure can use some reassurance today!

So please all send your love and good vibes this way as I hope this blog continues for another 7 months as Baby Gamm continues to grow into the special little person we will get to meet in 7 short/long months! xoxo

Monday, July 25, 2011

No daddy tonight! =(

This is the first night that Baby Gamm and I will be home alone. John has gone off to spend the night at his Grandpa Mario’s to help with work around the house. Yes I know I should feel so lucky to have a wonderful man that is willing to help out his grandpa but I don’t want to be home alone! Usually I don’t mind a night of the WHOLE bed to myself but since I have been preggers I have had the strangest dreams and not all of them so pleasant. So yes, I am ascared to be alone tonight. Well just me and the cats who are of no help if there should be an emergency. These are the moments that I hate being so far from all our family and friends! L

I have been slowly feeling better. Lost another ½ a lb. How does this keep happening! I guess I will just be happy that I am not gaining as I know that will come in the very near future. Still taking regular power naps, which I might say are awesome! Not nearly as queasy. I am usually most queasy after I eat, strangest thing. Still on an Icee/Slupree kick. SOO GOOD!

Less then 3 days till our 1st OB appointment. Boy how time has been flying. I remember the day we found out we both said, “at least we have plenty of time!” Well that was a month ago!!! The thought of being a mommy still terrifies me. What did this poor child do in another life time to have to be born to us! Hahaaha… I cannot promise that we will be the best parents but I can promise that we will give this child all the love and support possible!  And I know that in addition to all the love from us we have wonderful friends and family that will shower Baby Gamm with tons of love too!!!!!! He/She will be a front runner for the most spoiled kido in town! But definitely well behaved, not like his Auntie Val~! HA… xoxo

With lots of love to those who read our blog,
Amanda, John, & Baby Gamm

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Slurpee Craze!!

So today marks 7 weeks 1 day according to my calculations but we shall find out exactly how far along I am in one week from today. My first appointment with the OB. So thankful this week went fast as I am dying to see the OB and hopefully get the first look at Baby Gamm and hear his/her little heart beating.

As for the Slurpee/Icee craze, all I want is a cherry Slupree or Icee. Have you had one recently? If not I suggest you go out ASAP and get one. You will be so thankful to Baby Gamm for giving his mommy this strange but AWESOME craving. John is not too thrilled about this craving as it seems to be the only thing I want and he wants me to feed that baby healthy things. Food is just not appealing these days, although I could totally go for a shrimp tempura crunch roll for dinner. DONE! Since I can’t have any raw fish it will have to do as a sushi craving settler.

So if I am truly in week 7 of my pregnancy here is how Baby Gamm is developing. He/she is about the size of a blueberry and 10,000 times bigger then at conception. Most of that growth is concentrated in the head as new brain cells are generated at the rate of 100 per minute. Baby Gamm’s mouth and tongue are forming as arm and leg buds sprout, and those little kidneys are getting ready to do their job as he/she take her first pee pee. J

I have asked John to participate and blog about his experience on this adventure as I am sure it is quite a differnt view then mine, so stay tuned to see what daddy has to say! Please feel free to comment and share your thoughts too.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Baby Gamm-1 Mommy-0

Boy, what a weekend! As Japan beat the USA in the Women’s World Cup finals Baby Gamm was kicking my butt this weekend. I was more nauseous then I have been since the beginning and talk about exhausted! I could have slept the entire weekend away. I had made plans earlier in the week to meet my sister at the Ontario Panda Inn today and I just could not pull myself out of bed to get ready and drive an hour and a half there. Sorry Auntie Val! But I will definitely be seeing you in two weeks at your bridal shower.

So some of the odd symptoms of pregnancy I have heard about or read are starting to take full effect over the last week. Talk about some intense vivid dreams. Most nights I wake up and tell myself, “OMG that was just a dream!!!!” Some dreams good, others totally bizarre. And some, like last nights, down right scary. I dreamt that I lost the baby but as I talk to other recent mommies they reassure me that they have had these dreams too and it has to do with the constant worrying. So I thank the new mommies in my life that are so full of helpful advice and a reassuring hand.

My boobs are growing at an incredible pace but hurt like hell (TMI?). I wouldn’t be surprised if I have gained a full cup size. Although my boobs have been growing I have actually lost a pound or two within the last week. Must be the “ewww ewww ewww” feeling every time I think of or see food. John is trying his damdest to get me to eat. But I have been doing my best to supplement the lack of hearty meals with protein shakes (YUCK) and The Green Machine veggie juice (kinda YUCK).

Also my allergies haven’t been as bad as they are now since I was a snotty little 7 years old wiping boogies on my sleeves. Come to find out there is a such thing as Pregnancy Rhinitis which simply refers to the uncomfortable condition of SEVERE nasal congestion that pregnant women may experience during their first trimester and sometimes throughout pregnancy. If affects about 30% of pregnant women. It is no joke. I am constantly stuffy and runny! I have been using sinus rinses that have definitely helped.

So all in all… This weekend… Baby Gamm-1 Mommy-0!!!!!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

In the Womb

Wow! John and I just watched an amazing documentary called “In the Womb.” It is a detailed account of a baby’s journey from conception to birth. It gave us such insight and understanding as to what our baby looks like and what to expect as he/she develops. I remember watching this documentary when it first was on television years ago but the experience tonight was nothing like it was then. It brought up feelings of excitement and terror. This is what is growing inside me. Such a huge responsibility! It will eventually be able to taste and smell the things I eat and hear my voice everyday. AMAZING!

Today I feel great. I struggled this morning with a little queasiness but a lot more energy then most days. I actually did not need a nap after work! Still no appetite but I make myself eat. We splurged and had pizza tonight. Hey I was good and had oatmeal for breakfast and brown rice with chicken for lunch. Plus I could only stomach 1-1/2 pieces of pizza.

Less then 2 weeks till our OB appointment. So excited!  

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Week 6

According to calculations, yesterday was marked week 6. This of course will be confirmed at the OB appointment on 7/28/11 (which feels like a million light years away)!!

So yesterday we decided that it would be a good idea to join in the Lancaster City bike ride with some friends. This ride was 15 miles and over 2 hours long. What was I thinking? I was already exhausted before the ride… Not to mention my seat broke 3 miles in.. What a nightmare!!!! So the moral of that story, although a good thing to exercise while pregnant… 15 mile 2+ hour bike ride; not so good! Hahaha!

Today and yesterday I have felt okay. This is how I explained it to my friend over dinner tonight; “You know that hungoverish feeling when you just feel exhausted, all you want is sleep and water, your tummy is kinda queasy but not really, nothing sounds good to eat and you think it does and eat it, it isn’t what you thought you wanted”… Yeah well that’s pretty much how I feel everyday. I have been craving fruits so that is a good thing and no fruit yet has made me say “ewwww” and quickly shove it away as most other things I eat do. Up to this point the fruits I have consumed: pears, an apple, bananas, cantaloupe (almost a whole one in 1 day), strawberries, oranges, raspberries, and I have a whole watermelon on the kitchen counter waiting for me to hack it up and munch on it all weekend! Mmmmmm Can’t wait!

John has been absolutely wonderful. He has been off work for 2 weeks with 2 weeks left until school starts back. He has been so great with letting me rest and being so understanding of my moodiness (which is not even bad)!! No one asked you JOHN!!! Hehe……. He has kept our bedroom clean because my allergies are impossible right now! He cooks dinner on the nights I cannot pull myself out of bed. He goes on frozen yogurt and fruity pebble runs! All while doing his homework! Yes, I would say I am definitely lucky.

We both feel so lucky to get the opportunity to enjoy this entire journey. Sure there are some things we wish were different and we are working on them but all in all I think I speak for both of us when I say we are as ready as we are going to be and have all the LOVE in the world to give each other and Baby Gamm…

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

And so Our Journey Begins.......

Two long, crazy, unbelievable, feels like a movie, weeks have passed since we got that one word that changed our lives forever, "PREGNANT!!!!!!" I don't have a sweet or silly story to share about how I told John. It was Sunday afternoon 6/26/11 around 3pm. The previous 2 days I had taken a dollar store test and Friday there was a faint line (which I was freaking out over) and a less faint line Saturday. Sooo Sunday afternoon we were hanging out and I said, "I’m just going to do it!" So I walked over to the digital pregnancy test my girlfriend gave me the previous week. "This test," she said, "is a lucky test. Two came in a box and I only needed one to get my big fat positive!" Suurrre... No pressure Ky (now she has a beautiful 2 month old son)! So I grabbed the test, did my business on it, and sent John into the bathroom to look 3 minutes later. His face said it all!!! He turned ghost white and had this combination look on his face like WTF and a glow I had never seen. He walked over to me and asked what I wanted it to say. And sure enough; "PREGANT!!!" Can you believe it... that little box of 2 Clear Busy Easy tests Ky bought all those months ago had a 100% batting average!

Friday's Test

Saturday's Test

Sunday's Test

So for the next few days John and I were in total disarray! We could not believe this was actually happening. We sat down and talk about it and decided that we were so very excited and couldn't wait to meet this little baby growing inside me. Our little baby!

I guess there is no right or wrong time to tell our loved ones that there will be an addition to the family whether it’s family we are born to or those we choose. I understand that the first trimester can be touchy but how, just how, do you keep such AMAZING news top secret? I wanted to shout at the top of my lungs "We made a baby!" On the same token if something should happen I would need the love and support from my family then more then ever. So I have told most of the people in my family (when I say family I also refer to my dearest friends) in hopes that they too can enjoy every minute as I know we are.

So yesterday 7/11/11 was my doctor's appointment with my primary physician and it was confirmed through a pee test that yes I am pregnant! Ummmm excuse, I could have told you that. So other then peeing in a cup and being told I am pregnant I got my referral to my OB. This OB came with the highest of recommendation from a girlfriend at work so we are excited to meet our driver of this journey which will happen in 7/28/11 at 4pm. John will attend this appointment with me so he can meet the doc and help answer the questions that I may not be able too. We hope to get an ultrasound!

As for me, I am doing great! I have days that I dread pulling myself out of bed because I am exhausted and other days (like today) that I feel great with no symptoms at all (well except cravings for yummy cake)! And I have not yet gained any weight! HA! Probably cause good ol’ Jack had to take a back seat for this ride!

We are so happy to have you join us on this journey for the next 34 weeks (or so) as we grow baby Gamm.