Where it all began!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Week 19!! Daddy Felt Mya Kick!!

Ladies and gentleman!!!! We felt her kick from the outside! Two nights ago, around 11pm, we were lying in bed. John was dosing off and I was finishing watching my trashy TV show and I felt her right under my belly button. I told John “feel feel” and as soon as he put his hand on my belly she thumped him. He said “was that her”?  Indeed it was. He was so excited, and then back to sleep he went. It was AMAZING! Last week I really started to feel her from the inside throughout the day. I am so shocked as to hoe much this little stinker moves. At first I could only feel her certain times at night. Now I feel her from the time I wake up to when I go to sleep. Periodically shifting position, or kicking her sweet little leg. I love the feeling, it makes me smile EVERYTIME! I am so excited to have daddy feel her more often as the weeks pass and she gets bigger and stronger. The feeling is beyond words description!

So here we are, week 19. Mya’s development this week; her sensory development is rapidly tuning up and so mommy will keep talking to her and singing those awful KIIS FM songs to her! Her brain in starting to develop specialized areas of smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. It’s a good thing mommy has been on a salad kick this last week. Maybe Mya will love her veggies!!! J Little hairs are starting to sprout on top of her head and a thin white waxy cheese like substance coats her little body to protect it for all the fluids she is suspended in. We don’t want her coming out looking like a prune!

We are going to Babies R US 10/22/11 to create a registry. We do not have a Babies R Us here in the Antelope Valley so I figure if we go and get one created I can update and add things online as the months pass. We will also be registering at Target. Both places have an option to buy online so it is easy peasy for people to use. Checked off the list of items we have already been given, a crib (due to arrive this week), bassinet, and a travel system which included an infant car seat, base, and everyday use stroller. We LOVE all the items we have received so far and are so very grateful to all the wonderful family and friends who have been supportive and so generous. We love you!

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