Where it all began!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Little Stinker!!!!

Today’s doc appointment was amazing! Mya’s heartbeat was perfect a 155 beats per minute. My blood pressure was 120/80, no protein or glucose in my pee, and I am down 2 more pounds. Doctor isn’t concerned about my weight loss as it is not a significant amount and I have plenty to spare.

Doc tried to get a shot and confirm her gender but as you can see in the photo above Mya was not having it. She was curled up tight (look at that spine) and not budging. She kicked a few times and lifted her little arm and hand. I thought she was waving but daddy was convinced she was giving us the bird. Being that she is our daughter I will go with the latter! Hahaha…..

Each doctors visit we are more and more amazed at how our little baby is growing and developing. I LOVE HER SOOOOO MUCH!!

I told my boss today that I was pregnant and she was ecstatic! We spent half an hour talking about babies and how wonderful they are. She said something that made sense. She said “you may not be able to hold or feed your baby yet but you are a mommy already and taking care of your baby is the priority”. True I am a mommy already!!! My boss is great and I am so glad she is supportive and is advocating for a stress free work place for me.

I go tomorrow for more blood to be drawn for the 2nd part of the screening. Hate giving blood but gotta do it!
The referral for the level 2 anatomy scan was put in today so we should be getting a call so for an appointment. Hope to get to see her again very soon and hopefully this time she will give us the money shot to confirm her little lady parts!! Hehehe


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