Where it all began!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Hic Hic Hic... Into the 3rd Trimester We Go!

Wednesday marked the first day of our 3rd trimester. 2 down and only one to go! One busy one at that. With each passing day Mya is growing and getting stronger and with every hiccup I feel I am reassured that she is preparing for her first breath. If she is anything like her mother she will have a strong set of lungs.. No doubt! And with all the hiccupping she does I am certain she is practicing like crazy!

I wanted to take a few minutes to highlight the grandparents that will never have to opportunity to neither hold Mya nor watch her blossom into a budding toddler, kido, adolescent, and adult. My parents and John’s father although not here with us play a special role in Mya’s life as we would not be the people or parents we are today without their love and support as a child. Although they taught us things we plan to instill in Mya, they have also taught us a few things NOT to do! Haha.. Like only taking one glass baby bottle on a camping trip! (Mya daddy will tell you the story)! I know that my mother would be absolutely, obsessively over the moon with the arrival of her first grandchild. I don’t think she would be too thrilled about actually becoming a grandma because that would only mean she is definitely getting old! John and I will do out best to always preserve and honor the memory of Mya’s grandparents and tell her stories about them, the good and the bad because we want her to know just who her grandparents were. So I ask that you all share your stories and memories of grandma Julie, grandpa Dennis, and grandpa Greg with out daughter because every memory is special and she deserves to hear them. John and I are so lucky to have one another and as we go through these milestones of life we act as one another’s pillars and remind each other that our love for one another and now our daughter will get us through anything life has to throw at us.


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