Where it all began!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Drum Roll Please!!! Half Way and Feelin Fine!!!

Week 20!!! Half way point and the rest is down hill. The countdown begins! Words cannot express the joy we are feeling with 20 healthy wonderful weeks under our belt. We are thankful for each Wednesday that passes and each little kick I feel. These last 20 weeks have both dragged and flown by and I am going to do my best to savor every last minute of the 2nd half of my 1st pregnancy. I will be sure to smile each time I feel a little tummy jab and share the precious moments with John. Nothing makes me more happy to see daddy light up when he feels little Mya kicking him and I know as the kicks and punches get stronger daddy will be even more excited!

I am feeling amazing! A bit tired but and more sluggish then pre preggers but nothing to complain about. Mya is growing at a incredible rate as I can notice the changes in my tummy each morning, even though no one else can just yet. I still haven’t popped. Will post week 20 belly pictures tomorrow. Didn’t get around to it tonight. Other then feeling Mya move throughout the day I don’t really feel pregnant. I guess that’s a good thing huh.

We are scheduled to take child birthing classes through our hospital every Wednesday in December. I look forward to these classes because it will allow for John to do more then just be supportive at my doctor appointments and hold my purse. Which I totally appreciate him doing!!!

Talks of baby showers have already begun. So exciting and FUN!! I am really looking forward to sharing this experience with loved ones…

We finally moved!! Yaaaay! Although in the honeymoon stage with the house we think we will be just fine here… Can’t wait to get Mya’s nursery all set up!

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