Where it all began!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy 25th!!!!!!!!!

Today is week 25! We went to the doctor and were prepared to just heart Mya’s heartbeat and get paperwork for labs. Well our amazing doctor walks into the room and asks “You want to see the baby?” OF COURSE!!! Being that this is not a high risk pregnancy by any means we have been super lucky to get an ultrasound and see our lil bean at every doctor’s appointment thus far. I’m proud to announce that Mya is weighing in at 2lbs and is measuring a week ahead of schedule. Dr. Ngo was quite please with her size and seemed a bit shocked at her size. Daddy says that he is sure she is already all legs and butt like her mommy and daddy.

Because Thanksgiving is tomorrow I feel that it is the perfect time to share my gratitude and what I am thankful for. Of course first and foremost I am so thankful to have a healthy thriving baby girl in my tummy. I am thankful to have a wonderful, caring, compassionate, honest, loving man as my partner in life and as the father of my child. I am thankful for the supportive family from both sides as we embark of this journey of parenthood and the love and wisdom they share. And I am especially thankful to be living a life of fulfillment and happiness. Sure I have woes and struggles but as I lie in bed at the end of each day I am peaceful and ever so eager to start the next day. I cannot wait to share my life and love with Mya while watching our family grow in size and in love. Thanksgiving 2011 a thankful Thanksgiving!!!!

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