Where it all began!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Week 6

According to calculations, yesterday was marked week 6. This of course will be confirmed at the OB appointment on 7/28/11 (which feels like a million light years away)!!

So yesterday we decided that it would be a good idea to join in the Lancaster City bike ride with some friends. This ride was 15 miles and over 2 hours long. What was I thinking? I was already exhausted before the ride… Not to mention my seat broke 3 miles in.. What a nightmare!!!! So the moral of that story, although a good thing to exercise while pregnant… 15 mile 2+ hour bike ride; not so good! Hahaha!

Today and yesterday I have felt okay. This is how I explained it to my friend over dinner tonight; “You know that hungoverish feeling when you just feel exhausted, all you want is sleep and water, your tummy is kinda queasy but not really, nothing sounds good to eat and you think it does and eat it, it isn’t what you thought you wanted”… Yeah well that’s pretty much how I feel everyday. I have been craving fruits so that is a good thing and no fruit yet has made me say “ewwww” and quickly shove it away as most other things I eat do. Up to this point the fruits I have consumed: pears, an apple, bananas, cantaloupe (almost a whole one in 1 day), strawberries, oranges, raspberries, and I have a whole watermelon on the kitchen counter waiting for me to hack it up and munch on it all weekend! Mmmmmm Can’t wait!

John has been absolutely wonderful. He has been off work for 2 weeks with 2 weeks left until school starts back. He has been so great with letting me rest and being so understanding of my moodiness (which is not even bad)!! No one asked you JOHN!!! Hehe……. He has kept our bedroom clean because my allergies are impossible right now! He cooks dinner on the nights I cannot pull myself out of bed. He goes on frozen yogurt and fruity pebble runs! All while doing his homework! Yes, I would say I am definitely lucky.

We both feel so lucky to get the opportunity to enjoy this entire journey. Sure there are some things we wish were different and we are working on them but all in all I think I speak for both of us when I say we are as ready as we are going to be and have all the LOVE in the world to give each other and Baby Gamm…

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