Where it all began!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Week 9!

Today is week 9 and Baby Gamm is growing like a champ. This week he/she is the size of a prune 1-1/2” long from head to butt. Can you believe how quickly our little bean is growing. Each day it is becoming more and more real to us and we are just so excited to welcome this precious little one into our lives. This week the baby will start developing bones and cartilage and little knee, ankles, and elbow (so cute). Also the tooth fairy will be paying out little baby a visit and his/her teeth will grow under its gums. All Baby Gamm’s cute little face features are starting to fill in. Will he/she have my little eye or daddy’s big eye? My cute little nose or daddy’s big honker! Hehehe!

This week has been an overall good week in the way of symptoms. I am still ALWAYS exhausted. I literally wake up from 8+ full hours of sleep every night to the nagging feeling of “Is it bedtime yet?”  I still am pretty religious about only take 15-20 minute power naps every afternoon cause any more and I wake up feeling groggy. According to my house scale I have lost another 2lbs and I am sure it is due to the wicked food aversions I am experiencing. I am definitely not showing yet except the occasional bloat, HA. Usually I can only eat a little at a time before I am grossed out. I am getting use to my superwomen smelling powers. I forget now that I can smell EVERYTHING, it just feels normal. No more nausea!!!! WOOT WOOT! And I think my sugar cravings have tremendously slowed too. Ok maybe just today!  

I tried on my maid of honor dress this last weekend for my sister’s wedding and it fits perfectly. It is much tighter around the boob region then it was when I originally tired it on. I am so hoping I can get into it without any alterations but the wedding isn’t for another 5 weeks from Saturday. YIKES! If my boobs keep growing at this rate who knows what can happen in 5 weeks!

Baby Gamm already got his/her first 2 gifts this last weekend. Auntie Val got him/her cute little burp rags and Auntie Michele got him/her the cutest set of Dr. Seuss books. Everyone is so excited for your arrival Baby Gamm, so keep growing strong and developing perfectly and before you know it you will be showered with so much LOVE!
 next doctor’s appointment is August 25th.  

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