Where it all began!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Week 18 Anatomy Scan........

This week we had Mya’s anatomy scan which an ultrasound tech measured and evaluated each of her growing body parts. Needless to say the little stinker was again sitting in an awkward position and the tech was unable to get all the views she needed and said we’d have to come back later for more measurements. The tech also said she believes she sees her lady parts but didn’t want to promise she saw it because of Mya’s positioning. This little girl is seriously a shy little thing. I hope her temperament is as mellow out of the womb as it is in!! She said all that she could see looked good. Mya is measuring a week ahead, is 14cm (5.5in) and weighs 11oz. She is almost a pound. Remember just a mere 2 months ago she was a little peanut! Not no more!!!!

The picture posted is amazing to me because you can see her little heart and it is even more amazing to see it flickering on the screen as it beats. Her heartbeat is going down as expected and was 143 beats per minute.

Daddy and I are getting ready for a move next weekend and I am so excited to start on Mya’s nursery. We are still in need of a crafty person who can paint because we need Mya’s lamp base and letter for her wall painted. Neither mommy nor daddy is very artsy!

We are rounding the corner to the halfway point and there are lots of big things ahead! Our little family is looking forward to all the changes and most of all to welcome our little baby girl into our lives. The feels of absolute terror have gradually been decreasing and I am now mostly consumed with excitement and anticipation to meeting this baby that I am baking!!!

With each passing day I can feel her kicking, punching, and wiggling more in my belly. It is an amazing feeling and I get so excited with every flutter. Daddy still cannot feel her from the outside (because mommy is fluffy hehe) but if she keeps growing at this pace he will definitely be able to feel her soon. Can’t wait till he gets to experience the feeling as well. Right now it’s like our little secret! hehe

Next doctor’s appointment is October 27th and we are hoping that Mya will cooperate and the doctor can confirm her lady parts! J

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