Where it all began!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Week 10!

We are rounding 3rd base of the first trimester. Each day I am shocked at how time is just elapsing with no regard to what daddy and I have to do! It’s scary and I am sure it only gets more intense as the clock ticks down. TICK TICK TICK……………  Shut up stupid clock we hear you! Can you believe only 3 more weeks and I hit the golden months, the second trimester. Golden months so I hear from all the veteran moms!

Its official, we are moving, for many reasons. I started looking this week but we can’t really move for another couple of months until our lease is up here. I HATE MOVING! But we definitely have to without a doubt! I feel horrible for John because he is going to be the one who does most of the work, packing and moving. I’ll just take care of logistics making sure to find a suitable place.

So we decided to go public with the pregnancy after our next doc appointment on the 25th. Blood test results will be in and if all is well with Baby Gamm we will not hide it any longer. Although all the important people in our lives already know, the world does not!

We cannot wait to find out the sex of the baby. I’ll ask doc at our next appointment when we will look but I know it is definitely not until between 15-20 weeks. SO FAR AWAY! At that time we will be just about half way through this journey!

Baby Gamm’s 10th week development: He/She should be about an inch and a half long and growing fast and furiously! All the crucial development is completed and now all his/her job is to grow grow grow! Mommy is still exhausted and if not working I am in bed! Oh my bed.. So wonderful and glorious!


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