Where it all began!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

2nd Times a Charm!

Mya's profile picure 26weeks 2 days. Does she really have daddy's nose?!?!
In this picture Mya is sticking her tongue out at us. She is such a silly baby. She was yawning and drinking. SO AMAZING!
This is a picture of her perfect heart. You can see all four chambers. This little heart has mommy and daddy's heart!

Friday we went in for our second anatomy scan because our little angel was being stubborn the first time around at week 18. Tech got all the shots she needed we are assuming as she did not mention that Mya was being uncooperative as it has been mentioned many times before. J  The ultrasound tech sent us home with a few awesome pictures of Mya. One of which is a picture of her heart which she said is as perfect as can be. I love that you can see all four chambers clearly. And it is even more amazing in the ultrasound to see that little heart beating so perfectly in rhythm.

This little girl continues to amaze us in the rapid speed of her growth. She weighed in at 2lbs. 3oz. That is a whole 4 oz. more then a week prior at our regular doctor appointment. The funny part is mommy lost 2 oz. even with the purge of Thanksgiving feasts. I am finally experiencing another not so lovely pregnancy symptom, just mildly though. Pregnancy induced carpal tunnel. Yep.. My left hand (thumb, pointer, and middle finger to be exact) like to tingle and go numb. I freaked out but after much research realized that it is a fairly common pregnancy symptom. Wow… The weird things women’s bodies go through when growing a human. Who’da thunk? It is definitely not debilitating, just super annoying.

I went to the lab Thursday to do my 1 hour glucose test. This is standard procedure these days to test all pregnant women for gestational diabetes. I am hoping that my results come up clear because it would be a total nightmare to have to change my entire diet to keep my blood sugar low. NO BUENO! Lab tech said that my doctor’s office should have the results in 2-3 days so I am hoping that I don’t get a call next week from my doc’s office. A call would mostly likely be in bearing bad news. Calling on all positive thoughts and energy for a normal result on my blood sugar counts.

Once again we are so thankful for all the love and support for all our friends and family. This journey would not be the same without you all. A special thanks to Mya’s aunties, Monica, Valine, and Kyrra as well as her abuela Jackie for the upcoming showers to be held in January. I am so looking forward to celebrating with everyone. Showers mean that we are that much closer to the arrival of our sweet sweet baby bean!

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