Where it all began!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Week 11!

The weeks just keep adding up. Baby Gamm is 11 weeks today and growing bigger everyday. He/she is about 2-1/2 inches long and weighs half an ounce. This week in development Baby Gamm is entering the maintenance phase as he/she is just about all formed and just needs to continue growing. Little hair follicles are forming and his/her little finger and toes nails should be growing in too.

As for mama, I am doing great. I am feeling better each day with the exception of a few days of super sleepiness. No more nausea and my food aversions are slowly dissipating. I still struggle to eat dinner but breakfast and lunch is no problem. I still haven’t brought myself back to cooking dinner every night as I did pre-pregnancy but my goal is to slowly start cooking again within the next week. I still have not gained any weight but also have not lost any weight. I will start taking monthly tummy pictures next week which will be month 3. I feel like I am getting more rotund in my mid section but losing weight in my arms and legs. I’m not complaining!!

Every morning I drink 9oz. of Naked Juice’s Green Machine to make sure I am kind of supplementing my lack of veggie consumption. I just don’t want veggies. I am still eating fruit like a champ… all kinds! My ravaging appetite for sweets and sugar has slowed down and for that I am thankful as lord knows I of all people do not need anymore sugar!!!!

I had to reschedule my August 25th doctor appointment to Monday August 29th at 4:15pm because of my work schedule. So unfortunately we have to wait a few more days. SUCKS! I went in Monday for blood labs and the results will be sent to my doctor and he will review them with us at the appointment. Everyday we get closer to our appointment I get a little more nervous!!!


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