Where it all began!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Week 12!!!!!

Here is my 12 week belly shot. As you can see there is nothing more there then there was before! I will be taking belly shots every 4 weeks (month markers) and towards the end I'll take them more frequently.

At the end of week 12, Tuesday, I will finally be in the 2nd trimester. I already am feeling better. I have slowly been regaining my pep and steam with a few exception days. But all in all I feel great!!!! I think Baby Gamm is finally traveling North past my pelvic bone, I can just feel it. Some times I just lie in bed and concentrate on my body and I can totally feel the differences. I know it’s way too early but I could of sworn I felt the baby moving as I had little flutters yesterday where the baby is living. Probably just gas!! Hehe

Our doctor appointment is Monday and we hope to at least hear the baby’s heartbeat if we don’t get an ultrasound. I hope the little booger is growing and developing as he/she should be. We have a gender determination ultrasound booked with the doctor for September 14th and hopefully a 3D sneak peak. It will only be 15 weeks but supposedly that’s soon enough. We hope we get an answer.. What do you think it is?? Girl or boy??

We have been throwing around name ideas and we pretty much have a full name picked out if it is a girl but if it’s a boy…. That’s a whole other story. It is soooo hard to find good boy names!!!! Almost impossible for us to agree on. I have picked a few I really like but daddy is on the fence. He is a hard man to please when it comes to naming his son!

Baby Gamm’s major development this week: He/she is not measuring about 3 inches long and about the size of a peach! The baby’s head is about ½ size of its entire body and his/her intestines are starting to move into her/his abdomen. Baby Gamm is activating his/her digestive system by drinking and peeing the amniotic fluids. Pretty amazing things going on in my belly!!!!!!

Thanks again to everyone for all the love and support. John, Baby Gamm, and I love you all and are so grateful to have you in our lives!!!

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