Where it all began!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

23 Week Sneak Peek!

I know I am crazy and some may call me neurotic and outlandish (JOHN), but I just can’t help myself. We had an ultrasound yesterday and saw our little baby bean. She was definitely being Mya… Shy and curled up tight sitting indian style and not wanting to give us a good face shot. She was moving around and it was awesome to see her and feel her moving at the same time. She’d kick her little leg up and move her arms in front of her face. Auntie TT and Uncle Joey came to see Mya too.

Every time we see her she looks more and more like a developed baby and I get that much more excited about meeting her. Each day her movements become more noticeable and her kicks stronger. Some kicks I actually jump because it startles me.

I have been feeling GREAT! Best I’ve felt all pregnancy minus to couple bouts of heartburn. I have tons of energy, although I can be quite forgetful at time. They tell me this is called prego brain. It’s a good excuse and I get away with a lot!!!!  

Thanksgiving is coming up and daddy and I are going to Palm Springs for the night to spend some quality time together. I am really looking forward to it. I am so grateful to have this amazing man as my life partner and the father of my child. Mya is one lucky girl to have such an awesome daddy…. Mya, don’t forget, your daddy has loved you since the first time he heard your precious heartbeat! Mommy too, but that goes without saying! xoxo

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