Where it all began!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Full Term at 37 Weeks....

37 weeks means Mya is finally considered full term. All her organs are developed enough to breathe her first breath of air in our world. But hold that thought. She’s not due for another 3 weeks. From the looks of it she is staying put till then if not longer. That is a good thing because mommy is not ready for her to make her appearance yet. I have lots of work to finish in the next couple of weeks before my official maternity leave which starts on 3/1/12. John will be taking leave the day I go into labor and depending on when exactly that is we are hoping he will take 3 weeks off (once of which includes spring break at his school).

We are local bound till Mya is born as we don’t want to risk being too far from the hospital just in case she decides she cannot wait any longer to meet us. I think I would freak if I went into labor and was hours from the hospital. John and I plan to hang out together and enjoy our time alone cleaning the house, eating dinners together (at home and out), and just relaxing. I plan to do a whole lot of lying in bed and resting because it just sounds and feels so good. Take a few bathes, continue reading my mommy books, and catch up on some trash TV. Sounds like an awesome plan to me. The nursery is just about done and I just need to pick up a few odds and ends but nothing that is completely necessary to bring baby home. I packed Mya’s hospital bag and started to get mine organized. We made our list of things to take and now it’s a matter of show time before we grab the last items and throw them in the hospital bag. This weekend we also plan on working on our birth plan to show our doctor next week to get the seal of approval. This should be interesting!!!!

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