Where it all began!

Monday, August 29, 2011

The Baby Has Hands & Feet!!!!!!

What an absolutely amazing evening it has been. We were overjoyed and fell even more in love with Baby Gamm tonight. We saw his/her brain, spine, heart beating, arms & fingers, legs & toes. WOW!!! Such a difference from the 1st ultrasound 4 weeks ago.
Baby Gamm’s heartbeat was 160 and doc said everything looked PERFECT. I’d say everything was more the perfect!!!!

After our doctor’s appointment we went and signed our lease to our new home which we care so excited about. We don’t get the keys till October 14th but we are ecstatic to have secured an awesome home we love!


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Week 12!!!!!

Here is my 12 week belly shot. As you can see there is nothing more there then there was before! I will be taking belly shots every 4 weeks (month markers) and towards the end I'll take them more frequently.

At the end of week 12, Tuesday, I will finally be in the 2nd trimester. I already am feeling better. I have slowly been regaining my pep and steam with a few exception days. But all in all I feel great!!!! I think Baby Gamm is finally traveling North past my pelvic bone, I can just feel it. Some times I just lie in bed and concentrate on my body and I can totally feel the differences. I know it’s way too early but I could of sworn I felt the baby moving as I had little flutters yesterday where the baby is living. Probably just gas!! Hehe

Our doctor appointment is Monday and we hope to at least hear the baby’s heartbeat if we don’t get an ultrasound. I hope the little booger is growing and developing as he/she should be. We have a gender determination ultrasound booked with the doctor for September 14th and hopefully a 3D sneak peak. It will only be 15 weeks but supposedly that’s soon enough. We hope we get an answer.. What do you think it is?? Girl or boy??

We have been throwing around name ideas and we pretty much have a full name picked out if it is a girl but if it’s a boy…. That’s a whole other story. It is soooo hard to find good boy names!!!! Almost impossible for us to agree on. I have picked a few I really like but daddy is on the fence. He is a hard man to please when it comes to naming his son!

Baby Gamm’s major development this week: He/she is not measuring about 3 inches long and about the size of a peach! The baby’s head is about ½ size of its entire body and his/her intestines are starting to move into her/his abdomen. Baby Gamm is activating his/her digestive system by drinking and peeing the amniotic fluids. Pretty amazing things going on in my belly!!!!!!

Thanks again to everyone for all the love and support. John, Baby Gamm, and I love you all and are so grateful to have you in our lives!!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Week 11!

The weeks just keep adding up. Baby Gamm is 11 weeks today and growing bigger everyday. He/she is about 2-1/2 inches long and weighs half an ounce. This week in development Baby Gamm is entering the maintenance phase as he/she is just about all formed and just needs to continue growing. Little hair follicles are forming and his/her little finger and toes nails should be growing in too.

As for mama, I am doing great. I am feeling better each day with the exception of a few days of super sleepiness. No more nausea and my food aversions are slowly dissipating. I still struggle to eat dinner but breakfast and lunch is no problem. I still haven’t brought myself back to cooking dinner every night as I did pre-pregnancy but my goal is to slowly start cooking again within the next week. I still have not gained any weight but also have not lost any weight. I will start taking monthly tummy pictures next week which will be month 3. I feel like I am getting more rotund in my mid section but losing weight in my arms and legs. I’m not complaining!!

Every morning I drink 9oz. of Naked Juice’s Green Machine to make sure I am kind of supplementing my lack of veggie consumption. I just don’t want veggies. I am still eating fruit like a champ… all kinds! My ravaging appetite for sweets and sugar has slowed down and for that I am thankful as lord knows I of all people do not need anymore sugar!!!!

I had to reschedule my August 25th doctor appointment to Monday August 29th at 4:15pm because of my work schedule. So unfortunately we have to wait a few more days. SUCKS! I went in Monday for blood labs and the results will be sent to my doctor and he will review them with us at the appointment. Everyday we get closer to our appointment I get a little more nervous!!!


Sunday, August 14, 2011

He's gonna be a WONDERFUL Daddy!

Today we did mommy and daddy things. First we went to a birthday party for my girlfriend’s daughter who turned 1 year old. That was a glimpse into the future. Seeing all the parents with their kidos; kind of intense! After the birthday party, we babysat my other girlfriend’s 4 month old son. He is so adorable but he had a rough day today. Cried and cried and cried. John was amazing with him. Tried to sooth him with books and talking to him. He is going to be a wonderful father I just know it. I can’t wait to see how much love he has for his 1st child and if it is as much as he loves me boy is this baby lucky! He has been so understanding and patient with mommy. I feel horrible because our whole life is still flipped around. I just don’t have energy to eat during the nights and definitely no energy to cook so John has been fending for himself and me. Words can’t express how lucky I am but I wanted to be sure I at least tried so Baby Gamm knows later in his/her life just how much his/her daddy loves him/her and mommy.


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Week 10!

We are rounding 3rd base of the first trimester. Each day I am shocked at how time is just elapsing with no regard to what daddy and I have to do! It’s scary and I am sure it only gets more intense as the clock ticks down. TICK TICK TICK……………  Shut up stupid clock we hear you! Can you believe only 3 more weeks and I hit the golden months, the second trimester. Golden months so I hear from all the veteran moms!

Its official, we are moving, for many reasons. I started looking this week but we can’t really move for another couple of months until our lease is up here. I HATE MOVING! But we definitely have to without a doubt! I feel horrible for John because he is going to be the one who does most of the work, packing and moving. I’ll just take care of logistics making sure to find a suitable place.

So we decided to go public with the pregnancy after our next doc appointment on the 25th. Blood test results will be in and if all is well with Baby Gamm we will not hide it any longer. Although all the important people in our lives already know, the world does not!

We cannot wait to find out the sex of the baby. I’ll ask doc at our next appointment when we will look but I know it is definitely not until between 15-20 weeks. SO FAR AWAY! At that time we will be just about half way through this journey!

Baby Gamm’s 10th week development: He/She should be about an inch and a half long and growing fast and furiously! All the crucial development is completed and now all his/her job is to grow grow grow! Mommy is still exhausted and if not working I am in bed! Oh my bed.. So wonderful and glorious!


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday is Not Baby Gamm's Day of Rest!

It has become an obvious pattern that I am completely useless on Sundays. I think Baby Gamm has his biggest grow spurts on Sundays. I am not kidding. Sundays I can nap literally all afternoon and wake up ready to go to bed for the night. Could it be in my head though? Am I just extremely lazy on Sundays which leads me to believe it’s baby’s doing? Well I feel better thinking it baby and he/she has lots of growing to do on Sundays. There are days where I feel random cramping (like today) in my uterus which all the books say is normal and it is my poor little uterus stretching to make room for baby. Before all this my uterus was the size of a small pear, not it is the size if a medium grapefruit. AND GROWING! Awwwwww…. Scary!

It’s crazy to think that most of the baby's crucial development has taken place and the next few weeks will be fine tuning and rapid weight gain. The baby is now considered a fetus no longer an embryo. The rapid growth and transformation babies do in such a few short weeks is AMAZING! To think not even 2 month’s ago Baby Gamm was barely a blip on the radar. And today he/she has fingers, toes, a little nose, ears, and all the essential organs of life. WOW!

Baby Gamm got his/her baby book this weekend and mommy will be busy filling that out on top of blogging.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Week 9!

Today is week 9 and Baby Gamm is growing like a champ. This week he/she is the size of a prune 1-1/2” long from head to butt. Can you believe how quickly our little bean is growing. Each day it is becoming more and more real to us and we are just so excited to welcome this precious little one into our lives. This week the baby will start developing bones and cartilage and little knee, ankles, and elbow (so cute). Also the tooth fairy will be paying out little baby a visit and his/her teeth will grow under its gums. All Baby Gamm’s cute little face features are starting to fill in. Will he/she have my little eye or daddy’s big eye? My cute little nose or daddy’s big honker! Hehehe!

This week has been an overall good week in the way of symptoms. I am still ALWAYS exhausted. I literally wake up from 8+ full hours of sleep every night to the nagging feeling of “Is it bedtime yet?”  I still am pretty religious about only take 15-20 minute power naps every afternoon cause any more and I wake up feeling groggy. According to my house scale I have lost another 2lbs and I am sure it is due to the wicked food aversions I am experiencing. I am definitely not showing yet except the occasional bloat, HA. Usually I can only eat a little at a time before I am grossed out. I am getting use to my superwomen smelling powers. I forget now that I can smell EVERYTHING, it just feels normal. No more nausea!!!! WOOT WOOT! And I think my sugar cravings have tremendously slowed too. Ok maybe just today!  

I tried on my maid of honor dress this last weekend for my sister’s wedding and it fits perfectly. It is much tighter around the boob region then it was when I originally tired it on. I am so hoping I can get into it without any alterations but the wedding isn’t for another 5 weeks from Saturday. YIKES! If my boobs keep growing at this rate who knows what can happen in 5 weeks!

Baby Gamm already got his/her first 2 gifts this last weekend. Auntie Val got him/her cute little burp rags and Auntie Michele got him/her the cutest set of Dr. Seuss books. Everyone is so excited for your arrival Baby Gamm, so keep growing strong and developing perfectly and before you know it you will be showered with so much LOVE!
 next doctor’s appointment is August 25th.