Where it all began!

Thursday, July 28, 2011


We saw our sweet sweet baby, all of 1" long and perfect as could be!
It's little heart was growing and working so hard at 165 beats a minute.

Nerves Getting the Best of Me!

An hour until our first OB appointment and I am a ball of nerves. I am so hopeful that all is well with Baby Gamm as I have no real reason to suspect else wise, but it’s just scary to think how little control I really have over the situation. I’ve tried to do my best and take care of baby and me but has it been enough? I am sure that all pregnant women are plagued with worry but I sure can use some reassurance today!

So please all send your love and good vibes this way as I hope this blog continues for another 7 months as Baby Gamm continues to grow into the special little person we will get to meet in 7 short/long months! xoxo

Monday, July 25, 2011

No daddy tonight! =(

This is the first night that Baby Gamm and I will be home alone. John has gone off to spend the night at his Grandpa Mario’s to help with work around the house. Yes I know I should feel so lucky to have a wonderful man that is willing to help out his grandpa but I don’t want to be home alone! Usually I don’t mind a night of the WHOLE bed to myself but since I have been preggers I have had the strangest dreams and not all of them so pleasant. So yes, I am ascared to be alone tonight. Well just me and the cats who are of no help if there should be an emergency. These are the moments that I hate being so far from all our family and friends! L

I have been slowly feeling better. Lost another ½ a lb. How does this keep happening! I guess I will just be happy that I am not gaining as I know that will come in the very near future. Still taking regular power naps, which I might say are awesome! Not nearly as queasy. I am usually most queasy after I eat, strangest thing. Still on an Icee/Slupree kick. SOO GOOD!

Less then 3 days till our 1st OB appointment. Boy how time has been flying. I remember the day we found out we both said, “at least we have plenty of time!” Well that was a month ago!!! The thought of being a mommy still terrifies me. What did this poor child do in another life time to have to be born to us! Hahaaha… I cannot promise that we will be the best parents but I can promise that we will give this child all the love and support possible!  And I know that in addition to all the love from us we have wonderful friends and family that will shower Baby Gamm with tons of love too!!!!!! He/She will be a front runner for the most spoiled kido in town! But definitely well behaved, not like his Auntie Val~! HA… xoxo

With lots of love to those who read our blog,
Amanda, John, & Baby Gamm

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Slurpee Craze!!

So today marks 7 weeks 1 day according to my calculations but we shall find out exactly how far along I am in one week from today. My first appointment with the OB. So thankful this week went fast as I am dying to see the OB and hopefully get the first look at Baby Gamm and hear his/her little heart beating.

As for the Slurpee/Icee craze, all I want is a cherry Slupree or Icee. Have you had one recently? If not I suggest you go out ASAP and get one. You will be so thankful to Baby Gamm for giving his mommy this strange but AWESOME craving. John is not too thrilled about this craving as it seems to be the only thing I want and he wants me to feed that baby healthy things. Food is just not appealing these days, although I could totally go for a shrimp tempura crunch roll for dinner. DONE! Since I can’t have any raw fish it will have to do as a sushi craving settler.

So if I am truly in week 7 of my pregnancy here is how Baby Gamm is developing. He/she is about the size of a blueberry and 10,000 times bigger then at conception. Most of that growth is concentrated in the head as new brain cells are generated at the rate of 100 per minute. Baby Gamm’s mouth and tongue are forming as arm and leg buds sprout, and those little kidneys are getting ready to do their job as he/she take her first pee pee. J

I have asked John to participate and blog about his experience on this adventure as I am sure it is quite a differnt view then mine, so stay tuned to see what daddy has to say! Please feel free to comment and share your thoughts too.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Baby Gamm-1 Mommy-0

Boy, what a weekend! As Japan beat the USA in the Women’s World Cup finals Baby Gamm was kicking my butt this weekend. I was more nauseous then I have been since the beginning and talk about exhausted! I could have slept the entire weekend away. I had made plans earlier in the week to meet my sister at the Ontario Panda Inn today and I just could not pull myself out of bed to get ready and drive an hour and a half there. Sorry Auntie Val! But I will definitely be seeing you in two weeks at your bridal shower.

So some of the odd symptoms of pregnancy I have heard about or read are starting to take full effect over the last week. Talk about some intense vivid dreams. Most nights I wake up and tell myself, “OMG that was just a dream!!!!” Some dreams good, others totally bizarre. And some, like last nights, down right scary. I dreamt that I lost the baby but as I talk to other recent mommies they reassure me that they have had these dreams too and it has to do with the constant worrying. So I thank the new mommies in my life that are so full of helpful advice and a reassuring hand.

My boobs are growing at an incredible pace but hurt like hell (TMI?). I wouldn’t be surprised if I have gained a full cup size. Although my boobs have been growing I have actually lost a pound or two within the last week. Must be the “ewww ewww ewww” feeling every time I think of or see food. John is trying his damdest to get me to eat. But I have been doing my best to supplement the lack of hearty meals with protein shakes (YUCK) and The Green Machine veggie juice (kinda YUCK).

Also my allergies haven’t been as bad as they are now since I was a snotty little 7 years old wiping boogies on my sleeves. Come to find out there is a such thing as Pregnancy Rhinitis which simply refers to the uncomfortable condition of SEVERE nasal congestion that pregnant women may experience during their first trimester and sometimes throughout pregnancy. If affects about 30% of pregnant women. It is no joke. I am constantly stuffy and runny! I have been using sinus rinses that have definitely helped.

So all in all… This weekend… Baby Gamm-1 Mommy-0!!!!!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

In the Womb

Wow! John and I just watched an amazing documentary called “In the Womb.” It is a detailed account of a baby’s journey from conception to birth. It gave us such insight and understanding as to what our baby looks like and what to expect as he/she develops. I remember watching this documentary when it first was on television years ago but the experience tonight was nothing like it was then. It brought up feelings of excitement and terror. This is what is growing inside me. Such a huge responsibility! It will eventually be able to taste and smell the things I eat and hear my voice everyday. AMAZING!

Today I feel great. I struggled this morning with a little queasiness but a lot more energy then most days. I actually did not need a nap after work! Still no appetite but I make myself eat. We splurged and had pizza tonight. Hey I was good and had oatmeal for breakfast and brown rice with chicken for lunch. Plus I could only stomach 1-1/2 pieces of pizza.

Less then 2 weeks till our OB appointment. So excited!  

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Week 6

According to calculations, yesterday was marked week 6. This of course will be confirmed at the OB appointment on 7/28/11 (which feels like a million light years away)!!

So yesterday we decided that it would be a good idea to join in the Lancaster City bike ride with some friends. This ride was 15 miles and over 2 hours long. What was I thinking? I was already exhausted before the ride… Not to mention my seat broke 3 miles in.. What a nightmare!!!! So the moral of that story, although a good thing to exercise while pregnant… 15 mile 2+ hour bike ride; not so good! Hahaha!

Today and yesterday I have felt okay. This is how I explained it to my friend over dinner tonight; “You know that hungoverish feeling when you just feel exhausted, all you want is sleep and water, your tummy is kinda queasy but not really, nothing sounds good to eat and you think it does and eat it, it isn’t what you thought you wanted”… Yeah well that’s pretty much how I feel everyday. I have been craving fruits so that is a good thing and no fruit yet has made me say “ewwww” and quickly shove it away as most other things I eat do. Up to this point the fruits I have consumed: pears, an apple, bananas, cantaloupe (almost a whole one in 1 day), strawberries, oranges, raspberries, and I have a whole watermelon on the kitchen counter waiting for me to hack it up and munch on it all weekend! Mmmmmm Can’t wait!

John has been absolutely wonderful. He has been off work for 2 weeks with 2 weeks left until school starts back. He has been so great with letting me rest and being so understanding of my moodiness (which is not even bad)!! No one asked you JOHN!!! Hehe……. He has kept our bedroom clean because my allergies are impossible right now! He cooks dinner on the nights I cannot pull myself out of bed. He goes on frozen yogurt and fruity pebble runs! All while doing his homework! Yes, I would say I am definitely lucky.

We both feel so lucky to get the opportunity to enjoy this entire journey. Sure there are some things we wish were different and we are working on them but all in all I think I speak for both of us when I say we are as ready as we are going to be and have all the LOVE in the world to give each other and Baby Gamm…

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

And so Our Journey Begins.......

Two long, crazy, unbelievable, feels like a movie, weeks have passed since we got that one word that changed our lives forever, "PREGNANT!!!!!!" I don't have a sweet or silly story to share about how I told John. It was Sunday afternoon 6/26/11 around 3pm. The previous 2 days I had taken a dollar store test and Friday there was a faint line (which I was freaking out over) and a less faint line Saturday. Sooo Sunday afternoon we were hanging out and I said, "I’m just going to do it!" So I walked over to the digital pregnancy test my girlfriend gave me the previous week. "This test," she said, "is a lucky test. Two came in a box and I only needed one to get my big fat positive!" Suurrre... No pressure Ky (now she has a beautiful 2 month old son)! So I grabbed the test, did my business on it, and sent John into the bathroom to look 3 minutes later. His face said it all!!! He turned ghost white and had this combination look on his face like WTF and a glow I had never seen. He walked over to me and asked what I wanted it to say. And sure enough; "PREGANT!!!" Can you believe it... that little box of 2 Clear Busy Easy tests Ky bought all those months ago had a 100% batting average!

Friday's Test

Saturday's Test

Sunday's Test

So for the next few days John and I were in total disarray! We could not believe this was actually happening. We sat down and talk about it and decided that we were so very excited and couldn't wait to meet this little baby growing inside me. Our little baby!

I guess there is no right or wrong time to tell our loved ones that there will be an addition to the family whether it’s family we are born to or those we choose. I understand that the first trimester can be touchy but how, just how, do you keep such AMAZING news top secret? I wanted to shout at the top of my lungs "We made a baby!" On the same token if something should happen I would need the love and support from my family then more then ever. So I have told most of the people in my family (when I say family I also refer to my dearest friends) in hopes that they too can enjoy every minute as I know we are.

So yesterday 7/11/11 was my doctor's appointment with my primary physician and it was confirmed through a pee test that yes I am pregnant! Ummmm excuse, I could have told you that. So other then peeing in a cup and being told I am pregnant I got my referral to my OB. This OB came with the highest of recommendation from a girlfriend at work so we are excited to meet our driver of this journey which will happen in 7/28/11 at 4pm. John will attend this appointment with me so he can meet the doc and help answer the questions that I may not be able too. We hope to get an ultrasound!

As for me, I am doing great! I have days that I dread pulling myself out of bed because I am exhausted and other days (like today) that I feel great with no symptoms at all (well except cravings for yummy cake)! And I have not yet gained any weight! HA! Probably cause good ol’ Jack had to take a back seat for this ride!

We are so happy to have you join us on this journey for the next 34 weeks (or so) as we grow baby Gamm.