Where it all began!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Week 26!

Boy oh boy! We are officially feeling warp speed ahead. November came and went without a chance to blink. Daddy and my Thanksgiving was nice and relaxing. We really loved that we got to visit friends and family on our own schedule. Thursday night we had a pizza delivered to our room and after we went out to Denny’s for pumpkin pie and decaf coffee. We are wild ones, I know!!!!!

Last week we went Mya hiccup for the first time on 11/22/11. It was a rhythmic feelings and not as strong as her usual kicks and punches. Daddy got to experience it too and feel the tiny little hics from the outside. Since then I have felt her hiccup a couple of other times. This is good news because that means that she is learning to breathe by swallowing the amniotic fluid.

Because Mya is a little stinker and was curled up in a ball refusing to move during the first anatomy scan at 18 weeks Dr. Ngo ordered another anatomy scan to measure and assess her organs. Guess what that means!? Yup, another peek at out little bean. I am waiting to hear back from the imaging center about setting up an appointment but I plan to schedule it for early next week. The imaging center is open until 10pm so I want to make our appointment around 9pm because that is when Mya is the most active. I know it has been absurd how many times we have seen her and I think I am getting spoiled because I am sure that the next baby we may not be as lucky to get so many sneak peeks. But I will not complain because each time we see her I am reassured that she is thriving and developing as she should be.

Sleep is finally starting to get somewhat uncomfortable since rolling from side to side can be a mission having to take my body pillow with me. I no longer can really sleep fully on my stomach which has just occurred within the last couple of weeks. I have a massage scheduled for tomorrow so this should be interesting to see how a massage works without being able to lay on your stomach. I am starting to get tired quicker in the day and basically tapped out by the time the evening comes.

Mya’s development at 26 weeks; she is finally starting to be able to open her eyes, more as a reflex rather then to try and see anything. She is definitely responsive to the light when I hold the flashlight to my belly. She should be somewhere around 15 inches and definitely over 2lbs by now. Because she is getting so big Daddy may be able to hear her heart beat if he presses his ear to my belly. We will definitely have to give that a try this week. Mya’s taste buds are developing and she can start to taste the foods that I eat through the amniotic fluids.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy 25th!!!!!!!!!

Today is week 25! We went to the doctor and were prepared to just heart Mya’s heartbeat and get paperwork for labs. Well our amazing doctor walks into the room and asks “You want to see the baby?” OF COURSE!!! Being that this is not a high risk pregnancy by any means we have been super lucky to get an ultrasound and see our lil bean at every doctor’s appointment thus far. I’m proud to announce that Mya is weighing in at 2lbs and is measuring a week ahead of schedule. Dr. Ngo was quite please with her size and seemed a bit shocked at her size. Daddy says that he is sure she is already all legs and butt like her mommy and daddy.

Because Thanksgiving is tomorrow I feel that it is the perfect time to share my gratitude and what I am thankful for. Of course first and foremost I am so thankful to have a healthy thriving baby girl in my tummy. I am thankful to have a wonderful, caring, compassionate, honest, loving man as my partner in life and as the father of my child. I am thankful for the supportive family from both sides as we embark of this journey of parenthood and the love and wisdom they share. And I am especially thankful to be living a life of fulfillment and happiness. Sure I have woes and struggles but as I lie in bed at the end of each day I am peaceful and ever so eager to start the next day. I cannot wait to share my life and love with Mya while watching our family grow in size and in love. Thanksgiving 2011 a thankful Thanksgiving!!!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Week 24 Belly Shot!

Well we have slow and steady tummy growth. I have not yet “popped” but I definitely am bigger in the tummy. FOR SURE! I still feel like I am in that awkward stage of just looking like I put on some extra early holiday weight in the stomach region. I have slowly been gaining weight and am up about 5 pounds pre pregnancy. Daddy’s probably up about the same. Hehe… He’s been so great with not making me feel horrible for wanting to eat apple turnovers with ice cream. I keep wanting to start really incorporating an exercise regiment but I just feel like my days slip away. I know I should really be making more of an effort and definitely will do my best to start something in the upcoming week. I’ll let you know how that turns out!!!

So I have decided to cloth diaper Mya, at least when its convenient, weekends and evenings. But we will definitely be using disposable diapers too. I have just made my 2nd purchase of the Flip diaper system. My first purchase was the Ecobums which is a pre-fold cloth diapering system. I am still completely overwhelmed with the cloth diapering process but have been doing tons of research and had an awesome in person tutorial with Auntie Ky and Leo during our monthly slumber party. The Flip system combines both the use of cloth inserts or disposable inserts for easier use when on the go. I plan to try a few different brands to which suites our needs best. I registered for some Bumgenius diapers which are all-in-one cloth diapers with no need for inserts. They are used like disposable diapers and washed as one pieces. These may be ideal if I decide to use the cloth diapers more often then anticipated and if Mya is with a nanny or sitter. This will be yet another adventure in the grand scheme of growing Baby Gamm after she’s born.

Wednesday is week 25 and our next OB appointment. I still have been feeling great but starting to get a little case of heartburn on a regular basis. Nothing that a few tums can’t ward off but I hope that it doesn’t get worse. =(

We plan to hopefully start setting up Mya’s nursery one weekend in December so long as we can find a free weekend to do so. I walk in there now and feel overwhelmed with happiness and excitement as I see what the room will look like in my head and how many amazing moments will take place in that little room. I cannot believe only 15 more weeks till we get to meet this sweet baby girl. SO giddy!!!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

23 Week Sneak Peek!

I know I am crazy and some may call me neurotic and outlandish (JOHN), but I just can’t help myself. We had an ultrasound yesterday and saw our little baby bean. She was definitely being Mya… Shy and curled up tight sitting indian style and not wanting to give us a good face shot. She was moving around and it was awesome to see her and feel her moving at the same time. She’d kick her little leg up and move her arms in front of her face. Auntie TT and Uncle Joey came to see Mya too.

Every time we see her she looks more and more like a developed baby and I get that much more excited about meeting her. Each day her movements become more noticeable and her kicks stronger. Some kicks I actually jump because it startles me.

I have been feeling GREAT! Best I’ve felt all pregnancy minus to couple bouts of heartburn. I have tons of energy, although I can be quite forgetful at time. They tell me this is called prego brain. It’s a good excuse and I get away with a lot!!!!  

Thanksgiving is coming up and daddy and I are going to Palm Springs for the night to spend some quality time together. I am really looking forward to it. I am so grateful to have this amazing man as my life partner and the father of my child. Mya is one lucky girl to have such an awesome daddy…. Mya, don’t forget, your daddy has loved you since the first time he heard your precious heartbeat! Mommy too, but that goes without saying! xoxo

Monday, November 7, 2011

No Denying Mya is a Girl!!!!

Here is our sweet daughter’s confirmation that she is a girl!!! Dr. Ngo finally gave us confirmation (not that we were worried) that Mya is indeed Mya!! This is from the Week 21 doctors visit and ultrasound. It was hilarious. As you all know she has been super shy and very unwilling to show her lady parts to us. Well during this ultrasound, as soon as the doc put the wand to my belly boom!! There is was, like she was saying FINE if you want to see so bad here it is… Sweet precious baby girl.

She has been kicking and tumbling like crazy. I can’t help myself not to stop whatever I am doing and just enjoy the miracle of feeling Mya growing and moving in my tummy. Daddy feels her quite regularly now. I don’t think he is used to it yet although the thought of becoming 3 is now starting to sink in with him now. He uses my belly button as a microphone to talk to Mya, its pretty cute and super silly. Just like daddy! My belly is finally starting to grow, slowly but surly. And each week I can feel her moving higher and higher up in my belly. She is now just made her way above my belly button but I still feel her way low in my abdomen too. She’s getting to be a big girl.

I noticed last week that I am starting to get “Linea Negra” the black line on my tummy which is typical during pregnancy. Its crazy. The simple symptoms of pregnancy like the dark tummy line and forgetfulness is setting in but luckily those are the only symptoms I have been experiencing lately. If Mya didn’t kick me every hour or so I may even forget I was pregnant. I must say that I have been so luck to have such a smooth pregnancy thus far. But I shouldn’t speak so soon as we still have 17 weeks to go and anything could happen. Last night I experienced heart burn/indigestion for the first time because of eating Wing Stop. It wasn’t bad, more irritating then painful. I have heard horror stories of women and their pregnancy induced heart burn.

Wednesday will be week 23!! We are nervous and ever so excited about Mya’s arrival. We have lots going on in the upcoming months. Daddy and I have to pick a day to set up the nursery. The crib is here but not built yet. For Thanksgiving we are going to stay the night in Palm Springs and ride the aerial tram on the San Joaquin Mountains. Just to get away and spend some quality time before baby comes. We have child birthing classes every Wednesday night in December and breastfeeding class in January. All this on top of the holidays and baby showers. Wowzer are we going to be busy bees before Mya arrives.