Where it all began!

Monday, January 2, 2012

LaMaze and Birthing Classes

Every Wednesday night in December John and I attended a birthing class through the hospital where we will be delivering. We learned about cervix dilation; saw a bunch of scaring videos about natural births and c-section birth. All of which made us cringe but the end result (a little baby being born) made me warm inside and that much more excited for our day. We learned about the stages of delivery and I am going to stay positive that I have a fairly easy and quick delivery. I definitely will be upping my exercise regiment in preparation (at least I plan to). John and I won the “know your partner” game. We only missed one question which was "what will the first song be that mommy will sing to baby"? John answered probably a song in Korean, my answer was I have no clue!! We learned different breathing and relaxation techniques to help better handle pain. But for some reason we both think those will be out the door and my pain management will be a bunch of screaming. Haha.... I am glad we decided to take these classes. They were very informative and helped us to understand all the things we should being to prepare for the delivery of Mya.
We learned to swaddle and probably need to practice that on some dolls, or maybe our cats. =)

My favorite part of the class was the tour of the birthing center. We were very impressed by the newness and cleanliness of the delivery room and the recovery rooms. The baby will not leave our room ever unless something is wrong and she has to be taken to the NICU which we are banking on will not be the case. John wore the pregnancy suit throughout the entire tour. It was quite hilarious. Maybe we can get him to blog again and share his experience as a pregnant man!

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