Where it all began!

Monday, January 2, 2012

3/4d 30 Week Ultrasound and a Look at Our Sweet Baby's Face!

Look at that precious little foot! Cannot wait to kiss it!!!

Pouty little lips... Totally mommy's nose right??

Perfect little hand with all 4 fingers...

This is when she was trying to suck, you can see her tounge =)

Sweet baby girl!!!

We got to see Mya’s little face 3/4d on Saturday. She was being a little stinker as usual and had both her arms and hands and a foot in front of the left side of her face the entire ultrasound. We got some good looks at her little face. We think she does have mommy’s nose but I guess we’ll have to wait and see. For a lot of the time she had her little face squished up against the uterine wall and it kind of looked freaky cause her noses looks void and flat. But she’d move and it would go away. There were a few times we got to see her sucking her fingers and her toes. At one point she poked herself in the eye with her big toe. Silly little baby!! At the beginning of the ultrasound she had her eye open it was a little freaky looking but definitely cool to see. I couldn’t determine whether she had daddy’s big eyes or mommy’s almond shaped eye. Another mystery to be uncovered at birth. The ultrasound tech showed up a quick glimpse of her umbilical cord; that was pretty cool. I always have a fear that she is going to wrap herself up in it so it was reassuring to see that that was not happening. The tech showed us in 2d that Mya already has a bunch of hair on her head. That was so cool to see. My favorite part of the ultrasound was seeing her precious little foot. It was perfect. Daddy counted a 5 little toesies. A little more then 9 weeks till we get to see her live and in person. I remember the very first ultrasound at 8 weeks when our lil bean was truly just a lil bean. Now 22 weeks later to see how much she’s developed and actually looks like a real baby. I know I can speak for daddy when I say we both CANNOT wait to hold you in our arm sweet baby girl. Until then keep cooking and growing!!

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