Where it all began!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My 31 Week Lovely Baby Bump

31 weeks today and you can finally start to see Mya growing on my tummy. We had maternity photos scheduled for January 15th but we decided to postpone it to the beginning of February to make sure I had a very noticeable baby bump. Taking maternity photos with a not so noticeable baby bump kind of defeats the purpose.

We had a doctor’s visit today and all was well. Mya’s heartbeat was a strong 149 beat per minute and as always such a wonder to hear. Makes my heart smile. Dr. Ngo prescribed me a wrist brace for my carpal tunnel, which I happily report has not been as bad as before. Depending on the cost of the braces I just might tough it out, after all its only 9 more weeks!

Looking forward to the upcoming baby showers. Our first one is only a week and a half out. I can remember the day when we first started talking about shower dates and now they are here. WOW… I got my diaper bag today in the mail and LOVE it. Totally cute and stylish. Not your typical diaper bag for not your typical mommy and baby. =)

Monday, January 2, 2012

The Beginning Creation of Mya's Nursery....


John and I decided what better way to celebrate the New Year then the start to build and organize Mya’s nursery. As you can see from the before pictures up until now it has just been a room for storing all the stuff we have collected for her in the last 4 months. Items we have purchased, gifts from grandmas and aunties, and amazing items that Auntie Kyrra has shared that were Leo’s.  Looking at all the stuff we have been given has made me appreciate that much more alllll the love and support we have received along this journey thus far. I can’t fathom how different it would be without the ongoing love and support from all of our family and friends. Mya is one loved baby and she is not even here yet. I get giddy thinking of all the millions of kisses and hugs this tiny baby will get not only from her mommy and daddy but from all who are in her life.

                                         THE FURNITURE IS BUILT... WORK IN PROGRESS

Daddy started to build the crib and he did an amazing job. He also worked on the dresser that use to be in our room and made it more nursery friendly. We had the bookshelf already and I have tons of books I have collected through the years that I will be wiping off and adding to Mya’s book collection. All we need now is the glider in the corner where the bassinet is now. The bassinet will go in our room where Mya will sleep the first few months of her life before transitioning into her own crib. All the clothes you see mostly has been given to use by family and friends who have recently had a baby. They are all washed and now much be organized by size and put away. As you can see this is why we really don’t need to purchase much more clothes. =) We got plenty. Although it may not look like we accomplished much we actually did.  The rest is a matter or organizing and finding a home for everything.

3/4d 30 Week Ultrasound and a Look at Our Sweet Baby's Face!

Look at that precious little foot! Cannot wait to kiss it!!!

Pouty little lips... Totally mommy's nose right??

Perfect little hand with all 4 fingers...

This is when she was trying to suck, you can see her tounge =)

Sweet baby girl!!!

We got to see Mya’s little face 3/4d on Saturday. She was being a little stinker as usual and had both her arms and hands and a foot in front of the left side of her face the entire ultrasound. We got some good looks at her little face. We think she does have mommy’s nose but I guess we’ll have to wait and see. For a lot of the time she had her little face squished up against the uterine wall and it kind of looked freaky cause her noses looks void and flat. But she’d move and it would go away. There were a few times we got to see her sucking her fingers and her toes. At one point she poked herself in the eye with her big toe. Silly little baby!! At the beginning of the ultrasound she had her eye open it was a little freaky looking but definitely cool to see. I couldn’t determine whether she had daddy’s big eyes or mommy’s almond shaped eye. Another mystery to be uncovered at birth. The ultrasound tech showed up a quick glimpse of her umbilical cord; that was pretty cool. I always have a fear that she is going to wrap herself up in it so it was reassuring to see that that was not happening. The tech showed us in 2d that Mya already has a bunch of hair on her head. That was so cool to see. My favorite part of the ultrasound was seeing her precious little foot. It was perfect. Daddy counted a 5 little toesies. A little more then 9 weeks till we get to see her live and in person. I remember the very first ultrasound at 8 weeks when our lil bean was truly just a lil bean. Now 22 weeks later to see how much she’s developed and actually looks like a real baby. I know I can speak for daddy when I say we both CANNOT wait to hold you in our arm sweet baby girl. Until then keep cooking and growing!!

LaMaze and Birthing Classes

Every Wednesday night in December John and I attended a birthing class through the hospital where we will be delivering. We learned about cervix dilation; saw a bunch of scaring videos about natural births and c-section birth. All of which made us cringe but the end result (a little baby being born) made me warm inside and that much more excited for our day. We learned about the stages of delivery and I am going to stay positive that I have a fairly easy and quick delivery. I definitely will be upping my exercise regiment in preparation (at least I plan to). John and I won the “know your partner” game. We only missed one question which was "what will the first song be that mommy will sing to baby"? John answered probably a song in Korean, my answer was I have no clue!! We learned different breathing and relaxation techniques to help better handle pain. But for some reason we both think those will be out the door and my pain management will be a bunch of screaming. Haha.... I am glad we decided to take these classes. They were very informative and helped us to understand all the things we should being to prepare for the delivery of Mya.
We learned to swaddle and probably need to practice that on some dolls, or maybe our cats. =)

My favorite part of the class was the tour of the birthing center. We were very impressed by the newness and cleanliness of the delivery room and the recovery rooms. The baby will not leave our room ever unless something is wrong and she has to be taken to the NICU which we are banking on will not be the case. John wore the pregnancy suit throughout the entire tour. It was quite hilarious. Maybe we can get him to blog again and share his experience as a pregnant man!