Where it all began!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Little Stinker!!!!

Today’s doc appointment was amazing! Mya’s heartbeat was perfect a 155 beats per minute. My blood pressure was 120/80, no protein or glucose in my pee, and I am down 2 more pounds. Doctor isn’t concerned about my weight loss as it is not a significant amount and I have plenty to spare.

Doc tried to get a shot and confirm her gender but as you can see in the photo above Mya was not having it. She was curled up tight (look at that spine) and not budging. She kicked a few times and lifted her little arm and hand. I thought she was waving but daddy was convinced she was giving us the bird. Being that she is our daughter I will go with the latter! Hahaha…..

Each doctors visit we are more and more amazed at how our little baby is growing and developing. I LOVE HER SOOOOO MUCH!!

I told my boss today that I was pregnant and she was ecstatic! We spent half an hour talking about babies and how wonderful they are. She said something that made sense. She said “you may not be able to hold or feed your baby yet but you are a mommy already and taking care of your baby is the priority”. True I am a mommy already!!! My boss is great and I am so glad she is supportive and is advocating for a stress free work place for me.

I go tomorrow for more blood to be drawn for the 2nd part of the screening. Hate giving blood but gotta do it!
The referral for the level 2 anatomy scan was put in today so we should be getting a call so for an appointment. Hope to get to see her again very soon and hopefully this time she will give us the money shot to confirm her little lady parts!! Hehehe


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Week 17/ 4months!!!!!!!!!!!!!

17 weeks today!!! Which is about a day shy of 4 months! It is absolutely amazing how quickly time is going. It feels like yesterday I started this blog and we were starring at a pregnancy stick. Now we are coming up to the half way mark. WOW!

So it is 8:30pm and I am trying to get this blog typed and posted ASAP because Mya usually wakes up between 9-10pm and I love to lie in bed and just wait and hope that I can feel her bouncing around in there. It is absolutely an amazing feeling and I feel so happy that she is still growing and thriving!

This week Mya’s development: She is approximately 5 ounces and starting to grow baby fat. Soon she won’t look like an alien anymore! Hehe… Mya continues to practice and get ready to breath by swallowing and sucking. Her heartbeat is starting to be regulated by her growing brain so her heartbeat should start to beat rhythmically.

Tomorrow is our 3rd doctor appointment with the OB and we are exited because we will get more information regarding Mya’s anatomy scan. So excited for that!!!!!!

Now I’m off to lie still and hope I can feel my sweets moving. Good night!!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Congrats to Auntie Val & Uncle Jeremy!!! xoxo

3 Vadney kids!! We are all growing up and moving on with our lives! So proud!

A special CONGRADULATIONS to Auntie Valine and Uncle Jeremy! Thier wedding, September 17th 2011, was amazing. Valine was a gorgeous bride and the day could have not been anymore perfect. Auntie Val took pictures with Mya in my belly and I cannot wait to see them (still haven’t got the photos from the photographer)! I am so happy that I fit my dress as I was quite nervous being 15 weeks preggers! We wish then all the best and can't wait for the next few years when Mya will have cousins!!!!!


16 Week Belly & Welcome 2nd Trimester!!!

So it appears that I have been lagging on keeping this blog up to date as my sister has so kindly pointed out! As most of you know we are moving in less then 3 weeks (I like to use it as an excuse) and since I have been feeling better (courteousy of the 2nd trimester) I have been back to work full strength to make sure I rack up productivity hours and BBS hours before my maternity leave starts. Still none of it is a valid excuse to not check into the blog once a week for a update as ultimately this blog is for Mya to enjoy when she is older.

I look terrible in the picture. Why do I always wait to the end of the night to take my belly shot!?! If you notice my belly is a little bigger then the 12 week shot but definitely not much! But it is starting to stick out past my boobs! Honestly I just look like I am gaining weight in my tummy! Hahaha…. SO far my butt is looking waaaaaay bigger then my belly… Any guesses as to what week my tummy will be bigger then my butt?  I say not till 25+ weeks!

Daddy and I have been somewhat nesting in trying to prepare for Mya’s arrival. (Feels so dam good to call her by her name instead of just Baby Gamm or he/she)!!!! We are soo in love every time I think about her I get chocked up! It still is surreal that Mya will be here in 23 weeks. My whole life has been about moving forward, growing as a person, learning from my pasts mistakes (lord knows there’s a lot), and doing my best to be happy. Now life seems so different. Everything I do it has Mya as the end thought. What do we need to do to give her the best life we possibly can?! Its terrifying and gratifying all rolled up into one emotion!

I am less then 400 hours away from completing my 3000 hours needed to sit for my licensing exam. My goal is to get these hours done by the time I go on maternity leave so I can test after Mya is born and focus all my energy and attention to her. Until I complete these hours this will be my main priority since after I am licensed my salary will increase over 20%! This will be a huge help for our family especially with a new life to support.

16 weeks 3 days was the first time I felt Mya moving in my belly. The only way I can describe it is that it felt like Mexican jumping beans in my lower abdomen. I felt the little thumps for about 30 seconds. In the past couple of days since I have felt her here and there and I cannot wait to feel her more intensely and frequently. It bring me comfort knowing she is in there jumping around!

Week 16 Mya’s development- She is now about 4-1/2 to 5 inches long and weighs between 3-5 ounces. Out little girl is getting soooooo big!!! This week my favorite development is that she can most likely start hearing me as I sing in the car, yap on the phone, or yell at John (hahaha poor daddy)!! I think its time to pull out the loads of kids books I own and start reading to her. Her eyes are starting to work, although she cannot open her fused eyelids she can start to see a bit of light through her lids and move them from side to side!

My scale broke (yes I know I’m a heffa) so we had to get a new one which means I lost my baseline weight so I am not sure if I have gained any. As of a week and a half ago, before the old scale broke, I had not gained a single pound. I will find out Thursday if I gained any weight at my doctor’s appointment. I’m feeling great and nap free for the most part! With 2nd trimester came the ugly headaches but now I can ward them off with a little caffeine and a Tylenol. I kicked caffeine all of the 1st trimester! I truly didn’t think it would be possible but I did it! Mya will always hear about that one!!! Haha

We started to buy things for her nursery and hope to get a jump on it as soon as we get moved and settled. There is no real theme to her nursery except we are loving the colors lime green, black, and hues of pink. Daddy will be doing some do-it-yourself projects such as painting her lamp base, paining the letter M-Y-A for her wall, and we are hoping to find an awesome affordable dresser at a thrift store or antique store that he would refinish and stain. Trying to save $$ everywhere we can!!! As we start to get the nursery together I will post picture on the blog!

Sorry this blog entry is sooooo long its just been too long since I have last posted and this is one more reason I really need to keep current!

Thank you to all our family and friends who have been sooooo dam supportive throughout this journey! We could not imagine doing this alone…. We love you and we know that Mya too greatly appreciates all your love and support!!!!!!!!

Amanda, John, & Mya xoxo

Sunday, September 11, 2011

IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We just keep falling in love more and more! We are pleased to annouce we are having a sweet sweet sweet baby girl!